Tuesday, January 28, 2020

catching up

I never mean to let days go by without writing on here, but every once in a while, that happens.  I guess it just depends on life and what all is going on, but anyway, it's Tuesday and here I am. 

I thought I'd share a few things that have been going on lately. 

First up is the fact that I can FINALLY talk about this!

My beautiful niece posted this on social media just last week, and I shared it on mine as well.  Kinsley (left) and Kylie (right) are going to be the best big sisters to their little siblings!  Yes, you read that right, my niece who has twins is having twins again!  All we want and are praying for are healthy babies, but we're all so anxious to hear what they will be.  I am almost beside myself with joy for them.  I have known about this since Christmas eve, and still, when I saw this picture I immediately burst into tears. 

I would love to go there for a week after she has them, and after everyone else returns to life as normal and stay with her and help her out.  I pray that can happen. 

I've been on an avocado kick lately.  This was my lunch on Saturday, as I sat at the kitchen table and studied the Bible.  Also, that seasoning you see?  It's my newest favorite thing in my spice cabinet. 

It would be good on some roasted vegetables, on a baked potato, or on a bagel with cream cheese.  

On Saturday night, my mom-in-love and I went to an Amy Grant concert.  I had seen an advertisement on Instagram, of all things, and I got the tickets for us to go.  She was okay, but playing behind her while she sang was the Memphis Symphony Orchestra, and they were phenomenal.  Before we got to the venue where she was performing, I picked her up and we ate dinner at Humdinger's, which was new for both of us.  It was really good, too!  

The concert was at the Cannon Center downtown, and in that second picture above, you can see the Memphis bridge.  We were so high up that I was terrified.  I hate heights!  I went out onto this floating floor area to take a picture and look over the edge, and I could feel the floor move beneath me.  I was a nervous wreck for the rest of the night.  

This was about the eighth attempt of a picture, and we said it was good as we would get and called it a day.  It was a fun night!

We ended the night with a hot fudge sundae and a milkshake.

It's almost February!  Shannon from Sweet Blessings put out the latest Scripture writing plan.  Want to join me?

I've been reading like crazy, and finished my sixth book of January yesterday.

I had a stellar month of reading, and every book I picked up, I loved.  This one was no exception, and was a fascinating quick read.  

It's based in the time of WWII and spans from then to present day almost.

I'll save the books for another post, but if you need some recommendations, reach out and I'd be glad to help a sister out.

Well, my stepdad is having surgery today, and because of that, I need to wrap this post up and start with the day.  I need to make my bed and do some laundry, then I need to make a run to Kroger before meeting them at the hospital.  Say a prayer for him, please.  It's outpatient surgery, but I know he's nervous.  His name is Bill.  Thanks in advance, friends.  

Love to all.  

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