Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Come on in! |Christmas Home 2019|

I love seeing what everyone's homes look like, especially at this time of year.  I love to decorate and for things to look pretty.  Maybe because I'm at home more than I'm not (except for lately), but I am always working to keep my house looking a certain way.  I do this for my own family, because we're really the only ones who are ever here. 

That being said, here's what mine looks like this year.  I do change it a little every year, partly because I forget to stop and look back, but mainly because I love changing things around.  I get this from my mom.  ;)  I'm not complaining.  Her genes are strong in all us girls who belong to her, and we've each been told we're good at this sort of thing. 

This is right at the front door, coming into the living room.  I love these little plates, and even more than them, I love the Target dollar spot aisle, where a lot of things came from this year.\

Here's my tree!  I think she's lovely.  We put a lot of white lights on this year, more than usual, so she really stands out. 

Up close and personal...I don't love an overdone tree in my house, though I love everyone else's, so we go for just our favorite ornaments.  A lot of what you see are two strands of garland with those big red ball ornaments, and I have six giant white snowballs. 

Jonah likes things simple, and I tend to let him do whatever. 

I love the hearth!  My sweet and best friend Abbey bought me these adorable pillows last year for my birthday/Christmas, and I couldn't love anything more.  I like them here because we have dogs, and if there are pillows on the couch, the dogs will lay on them.

The truck on the hearth is new this year, and was an early birthday present.  That lantern thing is still a favorite new thing from last year, and was also a birthday gift.  (December birthdays mean Christmas things, and I'm fine with that!) 

I like to put Christmas things everywhere.  This desk is in our living room.

This is the downstairs bathroom, and I just stuck some branches of greenery and red berries into that Mason jar and added new pine scented soap and the Christmas tree from Hobby Lobby.  (Side note: I love buying hand soap from Home Goods, and always love the kind that has the glass jars, like this one.)

New paint!  (Amazing Gray, by Sherwin Williams.)  I hung this new bulletin board thing and those three pictures to the left of it over the weekend.  The board came from Michael's, and I paid one dollar for it.  ONE DOLLAR.  I love it and will change up what I put onto it throughout the year.

And yes, I wear that necklace, but until I wear it, it looks cute hanging there.

This little three tiered stand was a Christmas gift a few years ago, and it's my favorite thing in the house.  I love changing up all that sits inside of it, but the Christmas version is by far my favorite.  I kept it simpler this year than in years past and added little finger bowls with winter animals on them, a bunch of discarded old and bright Christmas ornaments, and some napkins my mom made for me.  There's also a set of white sugar and cream jars.

Home Goods candle, Home Goods plant, old platter.

I changed up this area a lot this year, and that wooden thing is a cutting board.  I added another candle that smells like pine from Bath & Body Works, and some cute little bottle brush trees to match the tea towels.  The green plaid towel was in a set of two from Hobby Lobby (half off!) and the red and white ones came in a pack from Home Goods. 

I told you, I add Christmas to every spot in the house.

This is at the top of the stairs, and the red and black buffalo check is a scarf I put on top of the bookshelf.  I love the flocked tree!  It came from Marshall's last year, and I think it's cute just as it is.

This is the last room with Christmas, and it's our bedroom.  That blanket stays put all during the cold months, and the pillows are more from my friend Abbey, and the one in front that says "Mistletoe" was a birthday gift from my sister Trish.  As was the plaid blanket. 

When the boys were all little, we put stuff in their room, but they don't let me do that anymore, not even the fun Christmas flannel sheets they used to love.  Oh, well. 

I hope you enjoyed the tour!  If you're on social media and we're friends, share yours, I'd love to see.

Thanks for reading.  Love to all. 

1 comment:

  1. Your home looks so cozy and inviting. I love the tiered tray with the napkins on top. We decorate our tree the same way with lots of sentimental ornaments. Hope you have a terrific Thursday!


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