Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday & and some other random thoughts

I love reading the word of God.  I never used to do this, most of my life, until I reached my early to mid twenties.  I never knew the importance of reading God's word, and that everything I need for life is found within those pages.  I never want to take this for granted, and when I take the time to first thank the Lord for His word, I think of my brothers and sisters in the faith all around the world, that don't have this privilege, and I stop and pray for them. 

Today my quiet time found me in Hebrews chapter four.  The verse that jumped out to be was verse 9--

"Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God's people."

There is all kinds of context there, but I think the reason this verse jumped out is because I woke up tired today.  It's been a really busy past few days and weeks, and each week, I require myself to have one full day at home doing nothing but praying, reading the word of God, catching up on bible study homework, doing laundry and cleaning and straightening up our house.  If I don't do that, if I over-commit myself to being gone a whole bunch, then I quickly become depleted.  And then I become grumpy, and before I know it, the enemy is thriving in my being overly busy and distracted and exhausted.  It's a vicious cycle.  I know most people don't have that luxury of taking one whole day like that, but if you can somehow squeeze that in, you'll never be sorry. 

I MUST be in the word of God every single day.  I desperately need Him and His word, and when I miss out on this time with Him, everyone around me knows.  I'm different after spending time with Him everyday.  I hope this encourages someone to spend time with Him today.

In other news...

My mom called me this morning, and immediately I thought that I would see her today.  I love this about her.  I think if I were to have her take a quiz to find out her love language, surely, quality time would be one of her top love languages.  I know it's my top one, and I love most that I get to do random things with her, of the everyday sort, like grocery shopping and hitting up the local Lowe's to buy paint samples.  (I never got around to that this weekend.)  We're also going to Lobby Lobby (what my boys used to call Hobby Lobby) to be inspired for our upcoming event at church called Tablescapes.  Mom was inspired yesterday, and I love her ideas, so we're doing what she suggested and seeing if we can get any other ideas from our favorite store.

Today is my sister Debi's birthday!

Aren't these three sisters of mine beautiful?  I thank God for them all!  I found this old picture from my niece's wedding a few years ago and shared it this morning in honor of Debi (front and center).  Debi is SO MUCH FUN to be with and she makes me laugh like nobody else.  My boys have always adored this auntie and we never get to see her often enough.  She is also one of the most kind and giving people I know, and she would literally give you the shirt off her back.  I've complimented her jewelry before, and she has given it to me!  She does things like that all the time, and speaking of love languages, hers is definitely gift giving.  She also has the gift of hospitality, and staying with her feels like a personal retreat.  If you're reading this, I love you, Sissy! 

I went to my happy place on Wednesday after work, and got a whole stack of books to read.  I came home and promptly read one of them already.  It was so good! I hesitate to share the author, because there is language, so....anyhow. 

Well, my mom is on here way here, so I have to run and make my bed and get dressed.  Y'all have a great day.  Thanks for reading and love to all! 

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