Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, Friends!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friend Erika and Narci, for this blog post. 

My first favorite thing about this whole past week has been the weather.  Some of the day haven't been quite as cool as I like it, but I will take anything I can get, and anything beats ninety-five degrees in October.  It was cold enough at night that I pulled out my favorite blanket and adorned the end of our bed with it.  Isn't it pretty?  It looks so inviting and cozy.  My sister bought me this one year for my birthday, and I keep it there from now until when it turns warm in the spring.

Our new windows are also still my favorite, and I think we had every window upstairs open last night.  Praise!  Fall and winter are my favorite seasons. 

I can finally share this now that the parents shared it on social media, but last Friday, I had to leave home very abruptly when my friend Abbey texted to say she was in labor.  I packed a bag to spend the night at her house and stayed until they got back home.  Once she got to the hospital and was still, the contractions stopped, so they sent her home.  I was gone until about nine that night.  Tuesday was when she ended up having the baby.  I spent the whole day with this sweet little one, and we played our little hearts out all day long.  We sang songs, listened to Christmas choir music that I need to learn, read books, played with toys, rocked, and cuddled. 

She is one of the sweetest little girls I have ever known, and she is being raised by some pretty incredible parents!  They have done such a great job with her.  I dressed her up all cute and drove her to the hospital to go meet her new baby brother.  (I even put a bow in her hair, which she promptly pulled out and threw in my car, and I still can't find it...but I had a second one, just in case!)

And then I got to meet little Asher!  Best day ever.  This little boy is HUGE!  He weighed a whopping ten pounds, four ounces. 

Babies are my favorite. 

I visited my happy place this week, and got several books by one of my favorite authors.

And already read one and a half of them. 

I went out with my mom on Wednesday, and we went to our favorite store to look at all things Christmas.  (Hobby Lobby!)  My favorite event at church is coming up soon, and Mom is decorating the table for me.  I'm so glad, too, because I was having a hard time deciding what to do this year. 

I've enjoyed my Timehop memories this week.  Three years ago, we were in New York City, and it was one of my favorite things we have ever done together.  Looking back, that week seems magical, and we got to do everything I wanted to do.  My husband worked so hard to make it all come together, and it was the best trip ever.

  I'll end with last night.  One of my very best friends and I had a little girl's night out, and we thoroughly enjoyed our favorite Mexican restaurant.  Then, Andrea had the bright idea to go to Home Goods, because she was looking for a candle.  At one point, I was waiting on her to find me and sat down in one of their chairs, and when she found me, she sat beside me.  The only problem is that these chairs were on pallets, and one of the legs on hers was off the side, and then the chair tried to kill her. 

I mean, she caught herself before she completely fell, but I just about died laughing.  Poor Andrea. 

Any night with her is always my favorite, and I can always count on her for a good laugh. 

Well, I have groceries waiting on me at Kroger, so I need to run and get dressed.  Have a great weekend!  Love to all. 


  1. The bedspread and pillows do look inviting and so perfect for this time of the year! New York City sounds like fun, definitely a city I want to visit one day! Such a sweet baby and big sister too! Congrats to your friend!
    Ellibelle's Corner

    1. Thank you! I hope you get to visit there someday, you will not be disappointed. I'd love to make my next visit in December. Have a great weekend!

  2. What a beautiful (and big!) baby boy! I bet your friends were so thankful to have you watching over their daughter while they welcomed a new little one into the family.

    1. He is, isn't he? Thank you, it was such a sweet, fun day. Have a great weekend!


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! It's my favorite day of the week, and I am excited for my weekend. How's your week been? I had what felt li...