Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday Favorites

I'm here for an ACTUAL blog post!  I've posted twice in two weeks, but I didn't share them on any social media, because they were house update posts, and not incredibly interesting.  I've said before, I so often write on here for my own benefit.  I like to go back and remember.  I'll share this one, though.

I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friend Erika and Narci, for this blog post. 

I'll start with one of my favorite books in the bible.  This week in our New Testament reading (we're doing this with my church family), we're in 1 Timothy. 

I love this book in the bible.  I love Paul!  I've heard that it's believed that 2 Timothy was his last epistle.  I believe that, because by the end of it, his tone takes on urgency that wasn't there in his earlier books.  I've studied both 1 and 2 Timothy several times, but my favorite was when I did a Precept study on these books.  By the end of the study, I was WEEPING.  As in, there are literal tear stains on the last pages.  This man of God that lived so long ago touches my heart every time I read something that he wrote, and I know he's just a man, but he was so full of the Holy Spirit.  You can just tell a difference in his writing style, and you see that he had his faults when reading his letters, but he was mightily used by God.  I've jokingly said that after I've met and worshiped Jesus, that I'd love to meet Paul.  I probably won't care by that point, I'll be so enthralled with being in the presence of my Almighty King, but it's a thought I've had.  His letters are truly my favorites. 

On a much lighter note, I'll move on to my latest nail color. 

I've been doing the gel polish again the last couple of months, but on Tuesday of last week, when Mom came to rescue me from the demolition taking place in my house, she took me to her favorite nail place and talked me into getting them dipped. 

And now it's my new favorite.  So is she, by the way, for coming to rescue me out of that mess. 

I'm fascinated by the process that happens with the dipping process.  It's about a five step process, but it is so much gentler on your own nails, and they don't have to scrape the polish off.  It just melts off when you sit with your fingertips in acetone.  I realize, that is horrible, as I write this, but I really love nice nails, and I do understand this makes me sound slightly vain.  This stuff is tough, and if I'd gotten gel polish, they would have messed up already, with all the scrubbing I've done since last Tuesday.

This is my favorite fall color, and of course, it's OPI.  It's from their Iceland line, and it's a deep navy blue. 

Speaking of navy blue, this is my other new favorite color, this time in paint form.

On Monday of this week, Sherwin Williams announced their 2020 color of the year, and this is it.  It's called Naval, and it's a deep navy blue.  Jonah decided to paint their bathroom cabinet this color that night after also painting the walls and trim. 

We love it and the way it turned out! 

Another current favorite this week has been this candle. 

I've said this before on here as well, but this brand of candle is my favorite.  I like to buy them from HomeGoods, but this scent is the best yet.  I'm not feeling pumpkin pie scents this fall season and am over all the Bath and Body Works scents.  In my opinion, these candles are better, smell better, last longer and burn longer, and are DIRT CHEAP.  This one was $7, and it's huge. 

Lately after dinner each night, I've been making a giant cup of coffee and dousing it with one of these creamers. 

My current favorite flavor is Southern Butter Pecan.  It's like dessert. 

I realize that these are probably terrible, but I don't want to know about it.  I use this once a day, for one cup, only in fall and winter.

I might also have a new favorite (slight) obsession.

These are their new scents for this year, and that acorn spice is TO DIE FOR.  I bought two bottles of it yesterday at Target, and some handsoap for the boys' bathroom.  I could just sit and smell it all day.  I love to use their all purpose cleaner all around the house, and I keep one downstairs and one upstairs.  I also love the honeysuckle scent, basil, raddish, and peppermint.  The apple cider one you see is yummy too, but the acorn spice is my new favorite. 

Lastly, on the list of home improvement project my hubby has been doing, this one is my favorite.

It's tall and the handpiece pulls down as a sprayer, like the ones you find in restaurant kitchens.  This was number three of the new faucets he's installed this week.  He has two more.  Tonight he installed a new portable AC unit in Graham's room, because we had to take out the window unit for when they install our new windows next week. 

It's been a busy week, but I'm so thankful for my handyman of a husband who has also taught our boys to be handy.  I wrote more on social media, but it's Thursday night and dinner is ready, so I'll stop with this one.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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