Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends Erika and Narci, for this blog post. 

I always go back to the previous Friday for these posts, because they're for the whole week, so I'll start there.  Last Friday was not my favorite.  My dad came over for lunch, and we had such a sweet time together, but that's where the goodness of the day ended.  I think I ate a sandwich with questionable lunch meat from McAlister's and I was sick from about six that night until Sunday morning, when I woke up feeling fine again.  It could have been much, much worse, and it also could have lasted a longer time, so for those two things, I am grateful.  I stayed home from church on Sunday, just in case what I'd had was contagious, and this was me Sunday morning, watching the live stream of our service.

Amidst a table top full of folded laundry and finished books I was keeping out to pass along to Mom.  It was a great service!  This is our youth pastor AJ, preaching on one of my favorite passages of scripture in Philippians 2.  You can see that I love that chapter by the notes in my bible. 

I stayed home from Friday afternoon until Monday morning, when I left to go work at the church for a bit.  I was so glad to get up and dressed and to leave my house.  I watched an entire season (eleven episodes) of a new show last weekend, and I finished three books. 

And then during the bible study that takes place on Monday mornings, I like to sit here at my favorite little spot and work.  This is the little cafe area outside of our church bookstore.  These Monday mornings are crazy!  Bible study starts at nine thirty, but I get there around nine to make the coffee and get things set up for that.  I never really know what I'll be doing during the hour that the small group for that bible study meets, so I take lots of things I can do to fill the time.  If Amy hasn't given me anything to do for her, I can always work on my bible study homework.  I have a spiral notebook that I keep in my bag when I work that has a list of things I can also be doing.  On this day, I had to place a cake order from Nothing Bundt Cakes, and I needed to work on a spreadsheet for our monthly bank statement. 

Then people kept walking by and I kept stopping to talk.  That is so easy to do!

I feel so grateful to be able to work here, even if only for a small amount of time each week. 

Tuesday night was my favorite moment from the week, when Toddley and I went on our date night to see the advance screening of Bluff City Law that starts this coming Monday night.  It's a great show, filmed here in Memphis, and attending this was so much fun. 

Behind us, along that back wall, was the red carpet area and all the cast, giving interviews.

What I didn't write about much, and what happened right before, is such a typical moment for the two of us, and a summation of our marriage, that it was also a favorite moment. 

This is where we sat, inside Todd's truck, to eat our dinner from Taco Bell.  This cracks me up, because though we left early to eat dinner, I told him I didn't want anything messy or fast food, but we ran out of time and were forced to eat this instead.  I managed to not drip the taco toppings all over myself, though.

I took this to show my Mom what I wore, but those shoes are my new favorites.  They're the Fit Flop brand (a misleading name, because they make all types of shoes for men and women), and they're great for people with plantar fasciitis, which I've had for a couple of weeks.  I got the shoes on Tuesday, when Mom and I went out to search for some for me.  I needed a new pair that day, and I'm so glad she made me try these on.  Also, I got this new shirt on major clearance, and it will be probably be my new favorite shirt as well.  I love the tiered look, and how long it is, and the color.

Not much else has happened since then, but I had a choir rehearsal at church Wednesday night, so I skipped bible study because of that, and a friend led the small group for me.  Then yesterday I worked at the church again, and my major accomplishment of the day is that I completed my training videos for the database we use there (there are a bunch) and we started talking about our biggest event of the year, and I survived.  I texted my best friend yesterday that doing that is like doing another party like I did for my in-love's in August for their 50th anniversary, times fifty.  There is so much to this event and lots of moving parts, that it takes a team of us to do it, so I'm grateful for the two ladies who I've been meeting every Thursday for the last several weeks. 

Today my dad is coming over, and we will go eat, then I've got to shop for an event we're having at our church tonight, for single moms.  I'm so excited about it!  I'm shopping for a few things we'll need, and then I'll come home and make something to take for the potluck dinner we're all eating.  My dad will just keep me company while I do that, so that'll make it pass quickly.  After I take him home, I'll go straight to the church and start setting everything up.  You should see all of my lists.  I am staying for the event, and then help break it all down afterward.  It's going to be a long day, but I'm looking forward to every bit of it. 

I'll leave you with one last thing, and that is this event pictured below.  If you're local to me, I would like to invite you to join us for this night.  It's going to be really good, and I'm excited about it.  It's taking place in the fellowship hall this time, if you've been in the past, so make note of that change.  I'd love to see you there! 

I need to go make some lunches and to-go coffees for Todd and Graham, and then get started on this day, so I'll end with that.  Thanks for reading my blog!  Love to all. 

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