Thursday, August 8, 2019

(more) life lately and a busy week

I have barely seen my family this week!  This was a week I knew would be crazy, and I was anticipating it being this way, so at least it hasn't taken me by surprise.  However, add to that working two days (which is still so new to me) and three other things going on during the nights, and's Thursday and everything hurts.  I'm laughing.  I'm really looking forward to a little pampering today.  I didn't mean for a whole week to go by, but life is like that sometimes. 

I was home on Monday night, and this used to be the day I grocery shopped, so I still have to figure out when to do that now.  I could still go after I leave our church, if I can make myself take lunch with me.  (I always need to make sure I've eaten before I shop!)  Since I didn't grocery shop, we just ate things here that were leftover from the weekend.  We had plenty, trust me, and it all worked.  I did make some fresh garlic bread to go along with one thing, so that helped.

 The reason this week is busy is because tomorrow is my in-love's 50th wedding anniversary.  We are hosting a party for them on Saturday, and I've been planning it for months.  I'm glad it's finally here, though, after all the planning.  I know I'll be so glad when the weekend is over, too.  I ended up doing things for that on Tuesday, and I have to do that again tomorrow, but tomorrow will be my last trip. (PRAISE THE LORD.  You know I don't say that lightly.)  Speaking of Tuesday, though, my mom was with me when I did this running around, and she has helped me so much this week.  I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't been available to do favors for me, and helping me out with the party on Saturday. 

We had a really fun women's event at our church Tuesday night.  Every fall we do a kick-off to introduce new bible studies, ministries and mission trip opportunities being offered, and it's always such a sweet thing to hear what God is doing outside our church building walls.  And things being offered inside those walls are pretty sweet, too.  We have a ton of class options to choose from on Wednesday nights this semester, and so many of the studies sound so good.  I'll be in Galatians, though, and I'm excited about that, too!  I went through it this summer, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. 

These are some of the pictures I took from the event.  I love "our" verse to encourage the women. 

Some really sweet ladies set up this photo booth for us. 

It was a fun night!  I left with such a full heart.  I love hearing the hearts of different women, as they lead other women.  So many of them have such powerful testimonies, and that is always so great to hear.  I think it's encouraging, but it's also faith building.  We need to share our stories more often!  I don't know too many people who've had an easy life as a believer.  I know for me, and for just about every woman I know, that God used a very painful season to draw me to Him, closer than ever before.  He uses pain, and brokenness to get our attention, and any time we can share that to encourage someone in their walk with the Lord, we need to do just that.  I don't just walk up to people and share my story, but to anyone who asks, I will.  I also always like to share it when I lead a small group of women.  I just always want people to know that I don't lead them because I'm someone who has it all together.  I was a mess until Jesus intervened, and I've never been the same since, praise His holy name. 

I was at the church again yesterday the first part of the day, and then home for a bit, and THEN my friend came to pick me up and we went and got another friend, and went to a church in Memphis to hear one of my favorite pastors preach.  Every first Wednesday night in August, Jim Cymbala preaches at Bellevue.  This year, he brought along the Brooklyn Tabernacle singers, and it was such a sweet night of worship.  I have been looking forward to this for so long!  We ate dinner at Chili's, then waited out a thunderstorm, and then went to get good seats at the church in between showers. 

This has been the week of the three of us.  So fun!  I love these ladies so much. 

Several people from our church were there as well.  I am so thankful I got to attend The Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York when Todd and I went a few years ago.  I look forward to going back someday.  I really want to attend their Tuesday night prayer meeting.  After the service, we got ice cream from Sheridan's Custard.  And Missy MIGHT have left me there when I got out to throw something away.  I'm rolling my eyes as I write that.

Today I'm spending the day with my mom-in-love.  We're going to get manicures and pedicures, and then going to lunch.  I'm excited!  I haven't spent the day with her in ages, it seems like.  We've not been swimming that much, either, except for a few weeks ago. 

That pretty much sums up my week.  Tomorrow is more running around the first part of the day and then Saturday will be crazy.  You'll probably find me in bed by seven on Sunday night.  I kid, I kid.  I'd love to make it to choir practice that afternoon, but I'm not promising myself this yet, I'll just play it by ear.  I know it'll be a great, fast weekend for us, and I'm looking forward to seeing family and friends from out of town. 

Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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