Tuesday, August 27, 2019

life lately

Goodness, all the posts I've written lately have seemed so heavy.  I thought I'd lighten things up a bit today and share random tidbits about life lately, and things that have been going on around here.

I spent Friday with my dad, as usual, and I learned something new about him!  He used to love to dance.  We were talking about music, and our love for just about any kind of it, and he mentioned this guy.  I found a playlist on Spotify, and for the last hour we were together, we listened to it.  

It was a lovely afternoon.  

On the same afternoon, when I got back home, I was checking my email and found something SO EXCITING sitting in my inbox.  It was an invite from NBC Entertainment, inviting me and a guest to a private screening of the new show that is starting the second week in September that is based in Memphis: Bluff City Law.  After the screening, there will be a panel in which all the main actors will be present, and they will answer questions.  Then after that, the invite said there would be a 'Memphis style' reception.  All this takes place downtown in an old theater, and I could not be more excited.  I have NO IDEA how or why I was invited to that.  But, date night!  This all happens week after next.  

It'll be fun to get dressed up and go to this.  We don't often get to do that!

Over the weekend, I attended what is called a 'choir rehearsal camp'.  It's the third annual one I've been to, and I always love these.  It's just a Friday night and Saturday morning, and our worship pastor always brings in a guest to speak and encourage us.  They get better every year!  Then we spend time going over new music.  Dinner and breakfast are provided for us, and it's always fun.  This year, we rehearsed new Christmas music!  That thrills my heart.  

This week makes week five of me working at my church, and I couldn't love it any more.  Right now I'm working every Monday and Thursday.  I'm basically just assisting my friend Amy who is the director of the women's ministry, and I'm helping her plan events, and trying to just lighten her load.  Right now I'm doing training on the laptop they gave to me to learn the church database they use.  It's a lot, but I love it, and I think it's fun.  Ask me again when our biggest event of the year is over, and my thinking may be different.  (Kidding, kidding.)  Everyone is really sweet and helpful, and I even love getting able to attend the staff meetings.  This is just a huge blessing in my life right now, and I am thankful to the Lord for it.  

I got to create my first event last Thursday that we have coming up soon, and I survived!  I mean, I had help, but still.  I am enjoying learning things and making a different part of my brain work again.  It's been a minute since I've done any type of office and computer work, but with the Lord's help, it'll be second nature before too long.  

I've been submitting articles to an online magazine pretty regularly lately.  It's Tirzah Magazine, and they put out some really great articles.  I don't say that because I've written for them, I say it because there is a lot of talent there.  They published one of my submissions already, and I've sent in at least four more.  They were looking for monthly contributors, and the lady who emailed me asked me specifically to write some more.  So, every few days, I write something the Lord places on my heart, and I submit it to them.  I have no way of knowing when or if they'll publish it,  but if they do, I'll share it on here.  They usually contact me by Instagram, and they'll tag me in a picture that they put with what I write.  

It's fun, and the Lord has been good to give me things to write about lately.  I have no idea where any of that will go, but it'll be fun to wait and see.  

Speaking of not knowing where things go, I have come across this verse TWO times today already, and it's not even ten o'clock.  It's Proverbs 16:9, and I love the reminder that though we can make our own plans, God determines our steps.  He is the one leading me, and I ask Him everyday to help me to submit to His will for my life.  That's not always an easy thing to ask Him for, but I know it's what I need to be praying.  I feel like exciting things are happening in my life right now, after years of time off, and I am just waiting and hoping with anticipation of where He will lead me next.  

Lastly, Drew started nursing school yesterday!  If we can survive the cost of his books, I am excited for him.  (The price is NO JOKE.)  He is excited too, and I know it's a long and challenging road ahead of him, but the Lord will help him.  It's what he is called to do, and anytime you walk in that obedience to God's call on your life, He will be there to lead and guide.  Also, Jonah and Noah started their junior year of high school.  I won't even pretend to have asked for a picture, because I know what the answer will be: a resounding NO.  

And Noah starts a job today!  He will be working at Papa John's pizza.  He's pretty excited about regular income.  

See what I mean?  There is so much going on right now, but I am loving it all.  And just trying to survive it all and be present.  

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.  

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