Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thursday Encouragement

For a couple of years, I got out of the habit of attending Wednesday night church.  I used to go to youth each week for this, but it became evident that if I wanted to keep my sanity, I had to stop going.  There is a crowd always in attendance that is extremely disrespectful (well, this used to be the case...not sure if it's still like this, but I never wanted to go back to find out) and that kind of behavior makes me really nervous.  (Anxiety, anyone?)  Anyway, once I stopped going to youth, I didn't know where to go.  It became a habit that all the boys would go, and that would be the night my husband and I would eat alone together, and talk and catch up.  Sometimes we are like ships passing in the night.

That being said, in 2019, I made a commitment to being in bible study every single Wednesday night.  We were studying Malachi, and I was a small group leader, so I had to be there.  But I came to love these nights again.  That group was such an eclectic mix of ladies, that by the end of our time together, we were having the greatest discussions.  When Malachi ended, I wanted to keep up the Wednesday night attendance, because I am a creature of habit.  I knew if I stopped, even if only for a few weeks, that it would be hard for me to get used to going again.  So I joined in with the ladies going through the bible chronologically.  My favorite teacher ever of all time teaches most Wednesday nights (Mrs. Barbee), and even though I didn't read along with them for more than a week or two, just to go and sit under her teaching is such a blessing.  Some ladies from the Malachi study joined us, and I loved getting to see them. 

I am not in there with them currently, as we are going through the next study we'll do as a women's group each week in the summer, but I will join back with them once that study starts.  I'll be leading just one time each week in this study on Galatians (when we did Malachi, I led twice each week), on Monday mornings, so that frees me up to go back to chronological bible study on Wednesday nights, unless my friend Amy needs me for something.  My point in saying all of this is to encourage you (again) to find a place to plug into at your local church, if you haven't.  I cannot imagine what my life would look like if not for the women in my church.  In recent weeks, I've joined in with a few of them after church each week for a sweet time of fellowship and laughter.  I treasure that time that I get like this...these are the women I tell everything to, whom I look up to, and who point me to Jesus.  I don't ever want to experience life without them involved in mine. 

This is such a privilege, to be able to attend a service with a body of believers.  It's one I don't take for granted, because when I go each week, the Lord always reminds me of my persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe, who have to meet for worship secretly.  I pray for them each week, as I sit in my car before I walk inside on a Sunday morning.  (I like to sit in my car and pray for a while, in preparation for worship each week, and this is always a good time to pray for those being persecuted for their faith.)  It may come to this for us someday, and I want to be prepared for that.  I believe that attending services now will help me to be encouraged and prepared for that in the future. 

Something that helps me be faithful to this is the fact that my best friend picks me up for church every week.  💙  She knows I like to leave my car if one of the younger ones needs it, because they do sometimes drive separately if they're giving someone a ride.  This is such a small thing to do and to get started, but the hardest part is often just getting started.  I know that surely there is someone out there who is needing some encouragement in this area of attending a place of worship, and needs a gentle push.  Consider this my push.  I don't know if anyone reading this is anyone like me, but I can talk myself out of just about anything.  I can think of a million reasons why I should just scratch the original idea and stay home.  It's so easy for me!  I have to pull myself out of that mindset, though, and force myself out the door.  I am an introvert, so maybe that's the reason why I do this kind of thing, but it is so nice to just stay home.  As much as I love being at home, being at home TOO MUCH is a real thing for me, and I can quickly become a little down in the dumps, if I let too much time pass.  I can only take so much alone time.  When I say I have to pull myself out of that mindset, I mean that I go ahead and get dressed and I set everything out for me to be able to easily grab on my way out the door.  I don't know why, but doing all of that helps me. 

With summer almost over, this is a great time to prepare to jump in somewhere at a local church.  Usually when school starts, new classes start at churches.  I always love this time of year, when things feel fresh and new again.  With a class like the chronological class, it is ongoing all year long, and anytime is a good time to just jump in.  I am not shy about this, even though I am a major introvert.  Somehow, the Lord lets this come easy to me, and I don't mind going even when I don't know people all that well.  I was thinking about this last night, as I sat with some of the other small group leaders as we met and talked about our bible study homework.  This time a year ago, we didn't know each other well, and I found it hard to speak up.  A year later, we all know one another very well, and we have such great discussions each week.  I love walking along in life with like-minded women of God, who love to study His word.  At this point in our relationships, we can all freely admit when we struggle with something, or if we don't understand something, or we can share with each other that we normally wouldn't say with just anyone else.  All these things are gifts from the Lord, and I am always so grateful to Him for those women He puts in my life.

I think another reason why I write all this is to encourage you to realize when the enemy is at work in your life.  He doesn't go after those who aren't close to the Lord, He goes after those of us who ARE, and he definitely works in our moods, in the way we think, and in the things we do.  There is a bible verse in Ephesians that talks about not giving the enemy a foothold in life, and this is what I equate it to.  If you're an extrovert and you stay home alone for too long, be careful in that.  He knows that being around people can uplift and encourage you, and if you stay home alone for too long, he will have a heyday with you.  He can turn that night into a pity party like no other night you've ever had.  Don't let him trick you into thinking of comparing yourselves to others, either, or to other friendships you see around you. Don't let him trick you into being too busy.  I think busyness and distraction are a couple of his favorite tools to use in our lives.  I know that's been the case in my life, and I'm sure eventually, it'll come to that again.  I have to fight every single day for time with the Lord.  It's so easy for me to get caught up in doing other things.  I think that is why time in the MORNING is so important, before the busy part of the day starts, as best we are able. 

Well, I just looked at the time, and I am about to be late to my dad's house, so I need to stop there.  I pray this encourages you, though!  I pray you'll consider getting involved, if you're not already.  Accountability is never a bad thing.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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