Wednesday, July 17, 2019

things I love right now

I love uninterrupted sleep....but for the second night in a row, I don't know what that is.  Noah was laughing hysterically at two a.m. and I might have told him to shut up.  (#momoftheyear) 

I really want to go wake them all up in an obnoxious way.  Would that be rude?  I think not, considering I laid in bed, wide awake, from one forty five a.m. to almost five a.m.  My husband suggested figuring out how not to be a light sleeper...but short of medication, I don't think there is a way to not be the way I am.  I may or may not have been snippy with him as he suggested I not take a nap to try and help this problem, but I need one most days, from fifteen to thirty minutes.  I am my father's daughter, and get it from him.

Moving on, now. 

Have y'all seen that Face app?  I have no plans of posting what I did on the app last night before I went to bed, but I texted a picture to my friend of her and me, and we've pretty much been cracking up ever since.  It is so creepy!  I uninstalled the app after the picture I saw.  (I'm laughing.)  They're even talking about it on The Today Show this morning.

Speaking of my favorite morning show, I love Dylan Dreyer on there that fills in for Al Roker a lot, and after she shared her story a few months ago about secondary infertility, she announced this morning that she and her hubby are expecting a baby boy in January.  I cried.  I love her family and follow them all on Instagram, but her little boy Cal, is the cutest thing ever and the kid loves food.  He reminds me of how Drew was at that age, and how he ate everything with no question.  Who am I kidding?  He is still like that.

Look at this adorable picture my friend shared with me the other day. 

This bride decided to ditch the idea of a traditional flower girl for a flower grandmother.  I'm not going to lie...I would love to do this someday! 

I love this one, too, of the two grandmothers sharing in the occasion.  How fun is that? 

I don't have a picture, which is when you know it's good, but I love catching up with best friends I haven't seen in a while.  Last night my friend Andrea and I went to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, and closed the place down.  After that we crossed the street and went to Starbucks, and only wrapped it up before a thunderstorm hit.  Neither of us wanted to drive home in the rain, and she had farther to drive.  I've said it before on here, but I will always be so grateful to the Lord for how He put us together. 

I met her the same year I began our homeschooling journey.  It started out rough for us, when we tried that K-12 program, and to make things better for Jonah and Noah (who were begging to return back to their elementary school), I needed to change our plan all together and we needed something fun to look forward to each week.  My friend Lori told me about Renewed Moms, which was a place we could go each week that offered fun classes for homeschool students.  While the kids were in class, the moms had bible study and fellowship. 

I signed us up, and was put into Andrea's small group.  The minute I met her, it was like our hearts clicked, and she has been the greatest help to me in these eight years.  We both felt like we'd known each other forever.  I don't remember being in her group after that, because I later became a small group leader as well, but we stayed close during that time, and even after we left the group, we've remained that way.  We try not to go longer than one month go between visits, and we've been pretty good at keeping it up.  I think last night was the first time in about five weeks that we've seen each other.  We had #allthethings to catch up on, and we laughed ourselves silly.  She is so good for my soul, and she always points to Jesus. 

We will be friends forever. 

Remember yesterday when I mentioned the bible study the ladies in my church are starting in August?  I was emailed a link yesterday, and I thought I would share it with anyone who is local to me and interested in joining us.  Click HERE for everything you need to know.  Even if you've never participated in a bible study before, consider joining us!  It's never too late, and what better time to start than right now?  I'll share this on Facebook, as well, but I would love if you'd prayerfully consider coming.  If you're a believer and follower of Jesus like me, we need to be women who are in the word daily.  I love our way of studying, slow and verse by verse. 

Speaking of verse by verse, this was my pick of the day out of this morning's reading.

I love this verse, and always have, but I love the reminder that God is faithful, and He will always provide a way out.  Temptation is something all of us will battle at one time or another, but He never lets it overtake us...we always have a way that He will give us to overcome whatever we may face.  I say all the time that we are never immune to easily falling away from the Lord.  A prime example of how we may fall away can be something as seemingly innocent of missing a Sunday of church attendance.  If we miss too many, it easily becomes a temptation to keep on missing.  I have found the more I miss, the easier it is to miss.  So, I don't miss.  Or, I try not to, as best I'm able.  (I miss when I'm sick, like REALLY sick and when I'm out of town, but even on those days, I always watch via livestream.)

Temptation comes in many, many forms, and I find this verse so encouraging.  God is so very faithful.  I want to always be faithful to Him, in return. 

Well, that's about all I can think of for now.  My brain feels fuzzy this morning.  I am going to do some bible study homework.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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