Tuesday, July 2, 2019

simply Tuesday

I will forever think of Emily Freeman when I think of Tuesdays.  (This was a great book she wrote a few years ago, about the simplicity of a Tuesday, and sharing in life with those around us.) 

What I write below are a compilation of random things or thoughts I have had lately. 

First up is that I am forty two years old, and for the first time ever in my life, I filled in my eyebrows yesterday, just because I wanted to give that a try.  I have a picture, but I'll do you all a favor and NOT share it, but I did share it with my mom, sisters, and niece, because OF COURSE I shared this revelation with them in our group text. 

The difference was astounding.  At least, I thought so.  It is so hot here right now, that I cannot hardly wear a full face of makeup.  Yesterday, I did my eyebrows, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. 

I had to share this, in case I'm not alone.

If you want good, honest book reviews, you should visit Shay Shull's blog, Mix and Match Mama.  And read all the comments.  Some of the best book reviews come from the comment section on her blog.  I was reading and had my Amazon book list of 2019 open while I was reading and added several books. 

Speaking of being bookish, I had a great trip to the library on Saturday.  I also finished a book yesterday that I called my fourth and final book of June (because I started it in June) and am looking forward to reading more this month. 

June was Hulu's fault.

Also, this month I will start my thirty-seventh book of 2019.  I counted just last night.  If you don't keep a reading journal, you should consider doing so.  I love looking back on what I've read, what I've hated, and what I've loved.

I am still reading along in the new testament with the people from my church family, but I've not been keeping up with it in the journal I bought.  I still make notes and read the same way, but the notes I make each day, I keep in my actual bible.  I love marking up my bibles, and I love looking back. 

That wasn't the verse I actually picked for yesterday's reading, but it jumped out at me just as much.  I love when that happens, and I love the book of Romans!  We will finish it out this week and keep moving right along to 1 Corinthians. 

If you need a place to read along, just jump right in with me.  Anytime we start a new book, it's a good place to start over.  And sometimes, I read first thing in the morning on my bible app on my phone.  I try to do this early, early, so that I can go ahead and get it done for the day.  I do fall behind sometimes, I just don't stay too far behind, or it will overwhelm me.  That is my advice and tip of the day for bible reading.  I read one chapter a day, five days every week.  A lot of the time, I read each chapter more than once. 

I'm going to Costco today, and it's ridiculous that this excites me so much.  I love going to Costco.  Even for the mundane things that are on my list for this day.  I love looking at their books, but I rarely buy one.  My mom and I are doing this together today, because it has been ages since I've seen her or spent time with her.  Seriously, it's been more than a week.  We always miss each other at church. 

Also, we are FINALLY moving forward on all our home improvement stuff, and today starts the whole process!  I am excited, but I'm kinda NOT excited because of all the mess it'll bring, but I know it's only temporary.  I'm just grateful we are finally able to do all this.  Today we get new garage doors!  I can't wait to see them. 

I am also ridiculously excited about tonight.  I will be at my friend's house watching Hallmark Christmas movies.  It's Christmas in July!  And I no longer have the Hallmark channel.  We will be eating comfort food and laughing and talking and catching up and not talking about sad things.  I can't wait. 

I feel like I am always on the fence about getting my nails done again.  I'm leaning toward starting it up again.  I love changing the color, but I also love how great they look all the time without chipping when I get them done.  If I were to do this, it would be gel or dip.  If I just wait a day or two, I'm sure this will pass and I'll just keep doing them myself.  I also keep forgetting to buy polish remover.  It helps to have that on hand.

Well, I'm pretty sure my mom may be halfway to my house, and I'm not dressed yet.  So, have a great day, and as always, thanks for reading my mindless posts.  Love to all. 


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

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