Monday, June 17, 2019

weekend/Hello Monday

Some weekends are good.  Some are kinda blah.  Some are GREAT.  This weekend was the latter.  We kicked it off by seeing my dad on Friday for lunch.  It's been a couple of weeks since he's been over.  One week my sister was here, and I went to his house a couple of times that week, and then last weekend, I left to go out of town.  It's always good to see him, and we went to Popeye's for lunch. 

I'll stop right there for a second, and share some real life.  You know how you love your kids all the time, but some days you don't like them?  Anybody?  Well, it was that kind of morning with Jonah.  He's such a sweet guy most of the time, but some days he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, just like most normal people.  I have no idea why, but I wanted Taco Bell for lunch, and he immediately disagreed.  Then I suggested a couple of other places (Pyro's or Five Guys), and he disagreed with those.  I recommended Popeye's and he was good with that one, because it's his favorite.  I also need a car wash in the worst possible way, and he hates when we go through that drive through kind.  Well, he may hate it, but he's not offering to wash it, either.  So on this day, he actually told me just to drive through the one close by us. 

I wanted to slap him.  I didn't, but I really wanted to, just to smack some sense into him.  I did tell him, in a not so loving way, that he was being a major pain in the butt and that he needed an attitude adjustment. 

Needless to say, when my best friend called me and asked me if I wanted to go see Aladdin, I jumped at the chance.  I decided not to eat dinner and to have popcorn at the movie theater, and she came and picked me up.  Of course, any time we're together, we talk about all the things, and then when the movie started, we sat mesmerized for two hours.

I cannot say enough good things about this movie, but I'll just say that it did not disappoint, not even a little.

There are a couple of scary and intense scenes, and I told one friend that her daughter may not like those parts, but other than that, it was phenomenal!  The music has been in my head ever since, and I added the soundtrack to my Spotify library.

On Saturday, my mom and I went to lunch and I needed to make a quick run to Hobby Lobby.  We did those things, and had fun together, as usual.  I took a very quick nap when I got home and then I picked up my dad for our traditional Father's day daddy/daughter date.  I picked him up, then we met Trish back here at my house.  It was such a great night!  We ate at our favorite Japanese restaurant, then we people watched at the outdoor mall, we walked around for a few minutes at Barnes and Noble, we drove by the local high school to see it for the first time since it opened last fall, then we got peach milkshakes from Chick Fil A and took them to a nearby lake to watch the sun as it lowered over Halle Lake. 

We topped off the evening by taking this picture...which isn't the best of any of us, but hey, at least we have to remember the evening with.

Yesterday morning, Toddley worked with the sheriff's department for the day.  He missed out on going to church, which I hate for him, but he wasn't gone as long as I thought he would be.  The rest of us went to church, then to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant afterward to celebrate my stepdad.  The rest of the day was kinda lazy, and Todd got home around five.  We ended the lovely night by watching a new Netflix original movie, Murder Mystery, which Jennifer Anniston and Adam Sandler.  It was pretty funny. 

Does a holiday even happen if you don't post it to social media?  This was mine.  ;)

I have grand plans consisting of grocery shopping today.  Jonah went back to work this week, Drew's at work, Todd and Graham left, and now it's just Noah and me.  He's doing some work for my dad this week, so I know he'll be happy to earn a little money.  I already even know what we're eating for dinner all this week, which is nothing fancy, but will be delicious.  I don't like to use the oven much when it's hot outside.  One night we will have BLT's again (or maybe just tomato and mayo sandwiches), I'm doing a breakfast casserole and pancakes one night, and on another night we're having tacos with all the fixings that go with it.  We will celebrate my dad-in-love tomorrow night, hopefully, if they're able to come over, and then there is no church this week, because my church is doing Backyard Kids Clubs all over the city.  

And at some time during this week, I am going to tackle this shelf.

I have GOT to put these books back in order, according to author and genre.  It is driving me crazy all of a sudden.  I also plan on going to the library, and I really hope I can swim with my mom-in-love at some point, because it's been a few since I've done that.  

Thanks for reading!  Have a great Monday.  Love to all!  

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think we've all had kids who just wake up on the wrong side of the bed from time to time. One of mine had a day like that recently, and thank goodness it didn't last long. Glad you liked Aladdin! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road


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