Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What's Up Wednesday (a linkup)

Happy Wednesday, friends!  I thought I'd join in this link up post today with Shaeffer and Shay (Mix and Match Mama).  Click on Shay's name and you can get to her blog. 

First up...

What we're eating this week:

This was actually my lunch on Friday, but give me all the snack foods right now, and the more fruit, the better.  This cantaloupe you see pictured came from Milan one day last week while my husband was there, and it was DELICIOUS.  We just about ate the entire thing the night I cut it up.  I like light meals in the hot months.  I'm actually craving salad right now, so I may do that for dinner one night with homemade dressing.

What I'm reminiscing about:

The fun youth camps I've volunteered on in the past.  'Tis the season for summer camp, and only one of my sons is going this year.  That is weird.  And neither of us are going along, as chaperones.  I'd find a picture, but I'm too lazy for that.

What I'm loving:

My summery mantle lights!  I changed them yesterday, and I love the red, white, and blue.  It's the small things in life, friends.

What we've been up to:

On Monday night, we went to my dad's house for dinner and to visit with my sister Terri, who is in town this week from North Carolina.

I love the view at Dad's!  Everything is beautiful and lush right now.

What I'm dreading:

The point of summer that is unbearable because of the heat.  It was close to that yesterday and I think a lot of my makeup melted off my face by the time I made it upstairs to go to bed last night.

What I'm working on:

This is where I'll be next weekend, but I'll write more about it later.  I can't wait!  Am I the only one who still requests a hard copy of a travel guide?  I love these.  I'll save it for later so we can return again someday.

What I'm excited about:

See above.

What I'm watching/reading:

I'm shaking my head at my own self, but I started watching Beverly Hills 90210 when Luke Perry died.  I'm currently on season five. 

I'm reading a Jane Green book right now, but I just finished this one over the weekend, and it was amazing.

What I'm listening to:

As always, I have my Spotify favorites.  They are Brooklyn Tabernacle choir (the I Am Reminded album), Chris Tomlin's newest album (ROAR), Pat Barrett from Housefires, Elevation Worship, Aladdin (as of today), the La La Land soundtrack, and maybe one or two more.

What I'm wearing:

I'm currently in a walking boot for eight weeks (six more to go!) and I am SO HOT because of the heaviness and the black and bulkiness of it, along with the tall sock I have to wear.  So last week, my mom and I were out one day, and stopped at Walmart to look around, and I found this dress.  I bought three that day in the store, and came home and ordered this one online.  I wear them everyday, because it's hot, and these are loose and flowy and cute, dressed up with jewelry and one cute sandal.  (I am rolling my eyes at that.)

Click here for a link.  You cannot beat that low price.

What I'm doing this weekend:

I have no clue.  Probably soaking up the air conditioning.  I do have a party to go to Sunday night, and the only person available in the fam to go with me is my oldest son.  I told him he could drive, but we may take my car, because for me to get into his truck requires me using a stepladder.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Swimming with my mom-in-love!  Her pool is the only pool I have to swim in these days. 

What else is new:

I shared the image for June's scripture writing plan, but for a printable version, click here

I have to give my mom and dad-in-love a huge shout out.  Ever since Drew was in an accident a few weeks ago and especially since we had to return the rental vehicle, we have been sharing my car.  My mom has picked me up countless times to take me to run errands and grocery shop.  She did this again yesterday, and I am so thankful for her.  My dad-in-love has given Jonah and Noah his truck to drive for now, as well, because Jonah needs transportation to his summer job everyday. 

That picture above this is from our lunch place of choice yesterday.  We went to the Jimmy John's in Germantown, which was a first for me, and it was so good.  After this we went to a couple more places and then we ended with a grocery store run for me.  I always say this, but I love spending quality time with people, and yesterday was a great day.  I ended the day by eating at Chili's with my book club friends, whom I have not seen in AGES.  Like, since before Thanksgiving.  Well, I may have seen them, but we haven't talked and gotten caught up in forever.  It was a fun night and I came home feeling a tiny bit sick because of all the chocolate I consumed for dessert.  A couple of us shared the molten lava cake, and it put me over the line of being full, and all of a sudden, I was WAY too full. 


Well, thanks for reading!  Have a great day.  Love to all! 

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