Monday, May 6, 2019

the weekend and a linkup

I saw a meme just now that I am fairly certain my husband and older son are feeling, and it was of a dog laying with its face against the floor and its legs all sprawled out.  It said, "This coffee isn't working."  Todd and Graham had a long weekend at the music fest that takes place this same weekend every year.  They work it with the sheriff's department, and they WANT to do this, but by Monday morning, they are both beat.  Two a.m. starts catching up with you quickly when you keep having to wake up early.  My husband and I were talking about it this morning, and how crazy it was over the weekend, and I would literally rather give birth again than to go to something like that. 

He told me that the stage for Cardi B was so crowded that people were passing out all over the place.  The crowd was so large that they would get their place and then they wouldn't leave again, which meant they also were not eating or drinking water.  Their number one problem every year is dehydration.

Um, no thanks.  I say all that to explain how it is at that event, and how thankful it makes me for a weekend at home and away from crowds.  (And yes, I am an introvert.)

While they were gone, we had a lovely weekend here alone.  On Friday night, Jonah and Noah had a friend over, and I made a tray full of baked potatoes for dinner. (They were small.)  They left a couple of times, but I stayed in and enjoyed watching television alone. 

On Saturday, it was more of the same.  I got out for a bit at one point, to make a library run and I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby.  It was raining, though, so I didn't feel like being out long.  I came back home, and that night for dinner, the three of us went to my mom's for dinner.  (Drew spent his weekend at music fest as well, but with friends and as an attendee.) 

And then yesterday, we were at church early and then again last night, for a night of praise and worship.  Jonah and Noah went to our town's little Fair on the Square, then they went swimming with some friends.  We all met back at church last night and went to dinner with my stepdad and my in-love's, who all came to church for the night of praise. 

For those of us here at home, the weekend was low key and relaxing.  I know Todd and Graham are looking forward to some nights at home, with a couple of good dinners thrown in.

On my agenda for today is laundry, making a meal plan for the week, going to the library for some books to read, and going grocery shopping for a few things for dinner this week.  Hopefully after all that, I'll get to sit and read.  We're six days into May, and it's been about two weeks since I've picked up a book to read.  I do have one waiting on me that a friend loaned to me, but it's nonfiction, and I need some fiction thrown in as well.  I am always grateful for a slow Monday, and as far as they go, this one is shaping up nicely. 

I'm linking up with Tanya over at The Other Side of the Road for this blog post, and her Hello Monday series.  Thanks for reading, friends!  Love to all. 


  1. Slow Monday's are the best! Whew, I'm worn out just reading about the music festival. I don't think I'd want to work it OR attend! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  2. I was worn out from just hearing about it, too! I was perfectly content at home watching old shows on TV all weekend. Thanks for stopping by!


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