Wednesday, April 24, 2019

What's Up Wednesday

I haven't done one of these in a while, so I thought I'd participate in this linkup with Shay from Mix and Match Mama, and her friend Shaeffer.  

What we're eating this week: 

On Monday night, we all kind of did our own thing, because we were all over the place.  Jonah and Noah had work, so they went to Taco Bell with friends before that.  Graham and Todd eventually came home and had a pizza out of the freezer section from Kroger, and so did Drew.  I also had pizza, but leftover supreme from Friday night.  Last night I made chicken for shredded chicken nachos.  SO GOOD.  (I used six chicken breasts and covered them with water that I mixed taco seasoning into.  I added a jar of salsa at one, then shredded it all with two forks.  I had mine with beans and a small handful of my favorite organic tortilla chips from Costco.)  Tonight I'm eating at church, tomorrow night I'm going out with a group of ladies from church, and who knows about Friday yet.

Meanwhile, this is my favorite kind of lunch.

What I'm reminiscing about:

 Graduation!  This time of year will forever make me think of my oldest boys graduating high school.  It was such a wonderful, fun day for them both, and we enjoyed their parties afterward.  

This was the senior banquet last year, and this is Drew with our Pastor.  

What I'm loving:

Lately, I have taken to writing down everything I eat.  I started this food journal of sorts last week, when I was really sick over a night and the next day.  I'm trying to be careful with what I eat, because that was not fun.  There is something about seeing what you eat everyday that'll give you pause before you go eat anything else.  For instance, one day I saw that I had too much bread, so the next day I cut it out entirely.

What we've been up to: 

For my husband, he's been working a lot.  This is his busy time of year.  For Graham, he is always doing something to his truck and working full time.  Drew is busy with studying for finals next week, and his afternoon job.  Jonah and Noah are busy trying to finish school in the next two weeks and working their job for the town parks and rec department.  I have been trying to stay on top of everything else.

What I'm dreading:

I can't think of anything.

What I'm working on:

Spring cleaning and purging the whole house.  I still have one major closet to do downstairs, and I'm procrastinating.

What I'm excited about:

Swimming season.  I love to swim!  I also have a fun thing coming up in June (hopefully).

What I'm watching/reading:

I have been watching The Crown again on Netflix.  I am fascinated by any and everything pertaining to the Royal Family.  This show is so good.  I'm only on season one, and I had tried watching it before but couldn't get into it, but now, I'm hooked.  

I'm currently reading a book I should love, but I cannot get into.  I think I'm going to have to put it down.  

I'm still reading along in the new testament with our church family, and this week I've been reading along in the chronological bible, because I'm going to that class on Wednesday nights through the summer months.

What I'm listening to:

I wrote about this last week, but I love worship music.  I am so glad for Spotify.

What I'm wearing:

My favorite kind of outfit is jeans, a flowy shirt, cute jewelry, and wedges.  It's kind of like my new uniform.  (The jeans are what make the outfit, you know you look cute when teenagers give you compliments.  They're called "boyfriend jeans".)

For instance:

This shirt is my favorite.  (I'm on the right.)  How fun is this picture?  This was at my nephew's couple's wedding shower last summer.  It was HOTTER THAN HADES, and outdoor.  

What I'm doing this weekend:

All the things.  Not really, I can't think of anything in particular.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

School being out for Drew, Jonah, and Noah.  That means less work for me.  :)

What else is new:

I think that's all.  Well, I'm thinking of getting my hair cut soon, in an angled bob, and going a tiny bit shorter.  Exciting!  

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.  

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