Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  This is an odd Friday for us, because my dad won't be coming over, but I have plans to fill the time.  I'm even thinking about making a trip to Trader Joe's. !!!  I haven't been since the beginning of December.

I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post. 

I'm starting with this #flashbackFriday picture of my sister Trish and me from last summer, because that is my favorite shirt ever, my favorite color, and I posted about it on Wednesday's blog post.  Scroll down to read about it, if you haven't already.  Also, Trish is adorable.  Her party animal sign reminds me of that meme that says something like, "If by 'party animal', you mean at home and in my pajamas by seven, then yes!". 

I shared about this on Monday, when I wrote about Drew's first year of college.  This has been his current favorite breakfast for the last two weeks, and in honor of this week being his last full regular week of his freshman year, I shared an update all about him and how proud I am of him. 

Fast forward to Wednesday, when this same kid was involved in an accident.  It wasn't his fault, and it was on our street, but that kind of thing is NOT for the faint of heart.  There is no good way to call someone and say, "Hey, I was in an accident, but I'm okay.".  Seriously, there is no good way to say that without the person on the other end of the call experiencing heart failure. 

We have no idea what will be the outcome of his beloved truck, but when they put it on the tow truck that afternoon, it was all I could do not to cry for him.

This chapter in Psalm is one of my favorite chapters in the bible.  This verse brings me such comfort, and I couldn't help but thank God over and over for His hand of protection in the lives of my family members. 

Last night, some of my favorite ladies from church and I had a little girls night out at a cute Italian restaurant here on our town square.  We were the small group leaders for the bible study our church women went through together from January to April on Malachi.  (We were missing two friends, though, Carol and Eden.)  Left to right are Mrs. Sarah, Kim, Brooke, Amy, Brittany, Mackenzie, me, and DeeDee.  We are starting back up in June in preparation for another study we will start with the women in the church on Galatians when school starts back in August.  I can't wait for it to start again, I've missed being in bible study these past couple of weeks.  It is my favorite past time, and I am looking forward to reading through Galatians several times before August comes.

Today is a tiny bit crazy with plans, even though Dad isn't coming over.  I'd like to make a trip to Trader Joe's, like I said earlier, to get a few things I tried and loved from the last time I went.  It's not super convenient for me to go there, but every few months is doable.  My poor puppy hurt his back leg over last weekend, and it hasn't gotten any better yet, so Todd dropped him off at the vet this morning, and I'll probably go pick him up this afternoon.  (I love this dog, so much so, that it is borderline ridiculous.)  Noah went to work with Todd to get a replacement phone, because he dropped his last night and shattered the screen, making it almost completely unreadable.  Drew has school and work, so that leaves Jonah and me alone for most the day.  I'm hoping to talk him into running errands with me.  We'll see. 

Meanwhile, I have laundry and other house stuff to keep me busy in the meantime.  I guess I'd better go get started on it all.  Thanks for reading, friends.  Have a wonderful weekend!  Love to all. 


  1. That is so hard when a loved one is in a car accident...even when everything is ok. I'm glad your son wasn't hurt. Have a great weekend.


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