Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  This weekend is considerably less busy than last, and I am glad.  I anticipate lots of reading, a little bit of laundry and other mundane house work, a great Sunday at church, and maybe a Saturday outing with my mom.  I'm sure my hubby will work at some point, but I don't know when yet.

I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this weekly post. 

Last weekend/week was so busy, but it was so much fun.  I thought I'd share some highlights.

I spend Friday night and part of Saturday with two sweet friends, a a women's conference.  The worship was my favorite!  I came across this verse in scripture writing that Friday morning, and loved what it says about the Lord satisfying our every need. 

We spent the night together at my in-love's house that Friday night, because they live close to the church.  We had a great time together, and I'm glad we had the time away. 

On Sunday morning, while the boys were at church, Todd and I packed up and left for the Nashville area for one night, to celebrate the one year anniversary of my sister in law getting a heart transplant.  We had a huge family style dinner together with other family and their friends, and it was a fun night.  Todd took me to my favorite used bookstore first, though, and I picked out some books to bring back home.

I love this place.  Even though it doesn't look busy in this picture, it was a fluke, because people were EVERYWHERE.

(Jane Green is my current favorite author, and I bought four of her books.)

Current favorite hobby and book stack. 

And also, I love a new month!  Because with it comes a new scripture writing plan.

We were back home Monday afternoon.  Tuesday was a normal day of playing catch up, and Wednesday I had bible study twice that day.  After bible study that morning, I took my birthday boy out for lunch for his birthday. 

He picked Chili's and stuffed himself full and came home and crashed until he had to go to work later that afternoon.  Drew turned nineteen on Wednesday, and we will eventually do a big dinner out for all the boys, but school, work and basketball schedules did not permit us to do so this week.

Yesterday I was home again all day, but that night I got together with three sweet friends from my old church (only one of them goes there now), and we had a great night of catching up.  It's been YEARS since we've done that, and it was a really sweet night.  We promised not to wait years until we meet again.

(Left to right: Tammy, Rene, me, Lisa.) 

Nights out with friends are my favorite. 

Also, on Tuesday night, I talked to these angels over Snapchat, and my whole night was made.  Kinsley and Kylie are getting so big!  I miss them. 

It's been a great week, and I am looking forward to the same kind of weekend.  I hope you have a great one, as well.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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