Tuesday, March 26, 2019

pray and never give up

I was reading in Luke 18 this morning for my quiet time, and this is the verse that struck a chord with me today.

If you don't know, my church family and I are reading through the new testament together this year.  We are reading one chapter a day for five days a week, and we are using the HEAR method.  Highlight a verse that stands out, Explain it in context, Apply it to our life, Respond in prayer.  We are journaling our way through together, and we are growing together.

Some days it is extremely hard to just pick one verse.  Other days, like today, that one verse literally leaps off the page.  I share this because I want to encourage you in your prayer life.

Just yesterday, I was praying for a couple of things God has laid on my heart regarding my personal life and opportunities He may (or may not) give me.  As I was praying, I was literally saying to Him, "Lord, I don't know if this from me just dreaming, or if this is something You are putting on my heart."  I still don't know, by the way, but I told Him I would start praying faithfully for these things, and I asked that He would help remind me to do just that.  And then today, this was the verse that jumped off the pages of my bible.

God doesn't always move or answer quickly, and while I have no answer, He did show me something today.  I felt so encouraged that He always hears what I pour out to Him in prayer, and this was how I know He encouraged me today, to keep praying.  His thoughts and His ways are far higher than ours, and no matter what may or may not happen, just the fact that after I asked for Him to remind me to faithfully pray for these things, shows me again of His lovingkindness and His sweetness.  He does not have to do those things for me, but when He does, I feel so very loved and cherished by Him.

I only want to boast in the Lord, by the way, and this is me boasting on Him.  Nothing I say or do will determine what He does, but I do know that we should be faithful to pray.  So if you're reading this and struggling with something: PRAY.  And do not give up.

Love to all.

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