Friday, March 1, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  It's my favorite week day because with it comes the weekend, and it's the day I see my dad.  I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post. 

It's been a really good week.  My sister Debi was in town for about five days, and I got to spend lots of time with her, Trish (another sister), and Mom.  Quality time is my top love language, for anyone who knows me even a little.  It was a fun few days, and it was good seeing her.  She was here in September for my nephew's wedding, but her whole family was with her (which was awesome) and tons of people were always around, so we didn't get to spend a lot of time together. 

Quality time together is my favorite. 

I posted this the other day on Instagram, and said that I was dreaming of warmer days and date nights with this guy, and though it's not warmer yet, we are having a date night tonight.  I can't even remember when we last did something, just the two of us.  Probably, it was around Christmas.  January and February are always crazy months for us, and I'm not even sure why.  Date nights are my favorite (hello, quality time), and I'm looking forward to ours tonight.  Now I just have to figure out where I want to go eat, and what we'll do after dinner!  I know it'll involve a trip to Costco, because we need a few things before he leaves town on Monday.

This event is my favorite kind of night at church.  It's a night of praise and worship, it's NOT a concert or a performance.  We are singing a few new songs, but they're awesome and easy to sing along to, and I am so excited.  We did a run through on Wednesday night to rehearse with the whole orchestra and with microphones, and it wasn't any old rehearsal, at least for me.  We had a worship service that night!  I love to worship the Lord.  If you're local, you should come join us for this!  It's at Collierville First Baptist Church.

One day of scripture writing this week was out of Psalm 34, which is one of my favorite chapters in all of the bible, and I loved reading it again on that day.  It also happens to be a current favorite song of mine on Spotify, Psalm 34, by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. 

Speaking of the bible, today we started reading Luke.  My church family is reading through the New Testament this year, by reading a chapter a day for five days a week.  Reading the word of God in this way, and with my church family, is my favorite.  We use the HEAR method: Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond in prayer. 

And another favorite part of my quiet time each day is writing out scripture.  Today is March one, and that means it's time for a new plan.  Want to join me? 

Thanks for reading my blog!  I need to get started on this day.  Have a great weekend, and love to all. 

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