Monday, February 4, 2019

a little bit of weekending / Hello Monday link up

Thanks, Google Images, for your image. 

Good morning and happy Monday!  I'm linking up with Tanya over at The Other Side of the Road for this post, and meanwhile, I thought I'd share a little of the weekend we had.

On Friday night, we all kinda went our separate ways.  Todd and Graham (my hubby and oldest son, for anyone new) went to a conference for men at our church called Men Matter.  I'm so glad our church did this for the men around town, because as the heads of the home, they have a lot on their shoulders.  Men need friends, perhaps even way more than women.  They really enjoyed the night, and this went through Saturday around lunch. 

While they were gone, Drew, Jonah and Noah went to Taco Bell for dinner.  Later on, Noah went to a friend's house to spend the night.  While they ate dinner, I went to dinner with my best friend.  We promised each other back in December that we would make time to be together more often, since it seems like we NEVER see each other nowadays.  We ate dinner at Huey's, and sat and talked for a good, long time.  I dropped her back off at home, and headed back to mine.  The guys came home and we chatted, then I went to bed. 

They went back to the conference on Saturday morning, and Drew and Jonah went to a basketball game that Drew coached, and I went shopping.  I really need pants, and went to buy some, but even though I found some, none of them screamed for me to buy them.  I'll wait a little longer to buy some.  (I HATE shopping.)  I grabbed some breakfast from McDonald's while I was out, then went to Kroger to grocery shop for the week.  I came back home, changed into comfy clothes and took a nap.  I also read my book, which I finished that night, and then started a new one.  I also started our dinner early, around two, because it had to simmer for three hours.  It was good, and I've made it before, but it made me have instant heartburn, so I was miserable for the rest of the night. 

Yesterday morning found us at church, bright and early for both Todd and me, and then after church I did a few things around the house to get ready for that night.  The boys all ended up having friends over to watch the game, and we had a house full.  I actually left, though, and took some cake to my friend's house and we sat and talked and unmuted the tv every time the commercials came on.  The game would come back on, and we'd turn the sound back off.  I'm laughing at that.  Nobody was at her house, and mine was full, so it seemed like a good idea to go see her and visit for about half the game.  We even watched part of the half time show, but turned it off as well.  We just had zero interest in watching. 

It was a great weekend.  We had lots of time together, which makes my heart smile, and it was restful, even if a little busy.  For today, I have a few things to do involving cleaning and laundry, we have a garage door repairman coming to give us a quote for repairing the door that broke on Friday night, and I'm catching up on bible study homework that I didn't do on Saturday.  I know what's for dinner tonight, and I couldn't be happier about that little fact.  I love when I don't have to stress about dinner.  What are your plans today?  I'd love to hear from you!  Thanks for reading my blog, and thanks for the comments lately...I think a few of you are new to this old blog, and I'm glad you're here.  Have a great day and love to all! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, knowing what's for dinner is the best feeling! :) It sounds like you had a great weekend. The men's conference sounds so good. Men definitely have a lot on their shoulders, and it seems like society is valuing their role in the family less lately. Hope you have a good week and thanks for linking up with Hello Monday!


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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty epic; I'll jump in with it now.  I completely forgot to ...