Monday, January 28, 2019


I'm so excited about this Monday!  There are so many reasons why.  First off, the grocery shopping FOR THE WEEK was completed yesterday after church.  My hubby and I had a Costco shopping and lunch date afterward, and got all the things to get us through most of this week.  We may run out of a couple of things, but it feels good to be done.  I usually do this on Monday, but since Drew started back to school and I'm letting him take my car a few days each week, it has hindered that.  That means that after church yesterday, I never went back home until after five thirty last night.  It made for a long day, but it was so worth it.  Secondly, I get to stay home all day!  I am semi caught up on all the laundry, I have no bible study homework this week, so after some cleaning type chores around the house, I plan on reading the new book I started last night, and doing my nails.  And the last and BEST reason I am so excited about this day is that I get to see one of my very best friends tonight!  It's been a little over a month since we last saw one another, and I couldn't be any more excited.  We could go to McDonald's to eat, I don't even care where we go, I just really need to see her. 

Now, about that weekend thing.  It was a good one!  On Friday night, Todd and Graham worked with the sheriff's department, and Drew had made plans, so Jonah, Noah and I went and had dinner with my mom, stepdad and sister.  It was really good, and it was a fun night.  It seems like it's been forever since we've been out there, because we've been unusually busy, but also because my mom hasn't felt great for several of those weeks.  Good old Memphis weather messes with everyone's sinuses these days, and thanks to all the rain and jumps in the temperature outside, everyone has been battling this.

On Saturday, also because we have not done this in forever, my sister, mom and I went out for the day.  We just ran around, looking for nothing in particular (except for nail polish) and enjoying each other's company.  We shopped, ate lunch, and shopped some more.  I bought a shirt for Jonah (that needs to be returned), a candle from Homegoods, and with the last of my Christmas money, I bought a fun new lamp.  It's really cute, and one that you can remove the  top and put things inside the base.  The base is clear, the shade is light linen color and it goes great in our living room, and with the other lamp in here.  It was only $29.  Bonus! 

That night was the company "Christmas" dinner at one of our favorite places.

It was so good, and by the time we got there and started eating, I was so hungry.  My favorite things there are the Parmesan crusted chicken and the garlic sirloin steak.  That makes me hungry, just writing that.  We usually go to The Peabody afterward, but nobody was in the mood. 

We came home afterward, and after a shower, I went to bed early, because I was stuffed from dinner.

Yesterday was church in the morning, our Costco trip and lunch date, we went to Lowe's so that my hubby could get some quotes for new garage doors and the installation (!!!), and we came home to unload the groceries.  I helped, then went straight to church for choir practice for the next two and a half hours.  After that, I came home and snacked for dinner, and was in bed by nine. 

I told you, it was a long day.  (Of course, I'm always in bed by nine, because I get up at the crack of dawn.)

Today this is on my agenda.  I plan on sitting and soaking in some time with Jesus.  I love mornings like this, when I have nowhere to be and nothing else to do.  I also plan on lighting my newest candle.  (I know I keep buying them, but it's because I use them all up, and I was in need of another one to replace the one I finished off last week.  Also, I'm finally tired of the evergreen scent, and went with something entirely different this time. 

 This smells heavenly!  Also, how cute is that jar?  I love the D.W. Home brand of candles that Homegoods sells, they smell the best and they burn evenly, as long as you don't trim the wick.  (I had always heard the opposite, but now that I've done both ways, not trimming the wick makes it burn the most even.)  Some of you are rolling your eyes, I know. 

Well.  I'm going to stop for now.  I'll see you back here tomorrow.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 


  1. What a wonderful weekend! Yea for finishing the grocery shopping early and just having some downtime today. I also love the DW candles and get them at TJ Maxx.

  2. It really was! They're not always like that, so I'm grateful for ones that are stellar. ;) I didn't know TJ Maxx had these candles! I'll have to remember that when I can't find the ones I want from Homegoods. Thanks for stopping by!


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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty epic; I'll jump in with it now.  I completely forgot to ...