Thursday, January 10, 2019

"Let's look at..." (a year long monthly series)

I'm linking up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama (and her friend) for this post, called "Let's look at...", and this month it's on the coziest spot in my house.  (Also, I am a day late, so I'll plan better next time.)

I have three favorite cozy spots in my home, and I love them all equally.  They're all very different, too, and serve very different purposes.

Here's my number one spot, though.

This is "my" chair.  If I'm sitting, this is where I'm sitting, and even if someone else is sitting there when I walk in the room, they'll get up to give me the chair.  We bought it back in the late summer/early fall from a friend of mine who was downsizing, and it was in great condition.  It's a Lane recliner, and I am not kidding when I say that this chair feels like a hug.  Everyone should have one such spot in their home, and they should also have an amazing recliner to sit in, because life is short.  It's my best spot to read (and I have an AWESOME reading light that my sweet hubby bought for me when my eyes started giving me fits over bad lighting) because of the light, it's where I sometimes sit and eat lunch while watching a favorite show, and it's the best nap spot in the whole house.  I also sometimes sit and have quiet time here in this spot while our Christmas tree is up.  I love this spot, and I love this chair.

But I also love this spot, in the above picture.  My kitchen table is where I sit and do all my talking to Jesus (other than when I'm driving or doing my makeup) and it's where I read the bible and have quiet time.  (Except for sometimes in the Christmas season, like I said before.)  I love this spot.  Not pictured is a red cabinet that used to belong to my dad that is where I keep all my quiet time resources stored away.  I sit with my back to the kitchen windows, and in the winter time it feels especially nice and cozy when that south morning sun pours in and warms my back.

And finally, I have a third favorite cozy spot, and it is pictured below.

It's our bedroom!  A year ago we redid some rooms in our house and in the process, spruced up ours as well, with new paint in here and in the connecting bathroom, and we got all new bedding.  I have so much to say on this topic of the bedroom you sleep in.  For years, Todd and I neglected this room in our home, because we had young kids, and it was never a priority.  We would redo their rooms and just shove things into our own space, thinking it was better in our room, than in theirs, because it would make their rooms messy.  But our kids are older now, and I have no idea why we waited so long to do this to our room.  We also bought an excellent mattress for ourselves several years ago, and again, I wonder why we waited so long.  Everyone should have an excellent mattress.  Everyone.  If you don't, consider making that a priority to make happen in 2019.

Even if the mattress isn't a possibility, consider switching to a great new pillow, instead, or even change up the bedding.  Small touches like that make such a huge difference.  All this bedding came from Steinmart, and I think that white coverlet was $30.  I ordered a long, drapey dust ruffle off of Amazon, one like this, and the pillows were inexpensive as well.  Like I said, even small changes pack a big punch.

So, those are my spots.  I look forward to seeing other people's spots in their own homes.  Anyone else love looking at other people's houses?!  No?  Okay.

Thanks for reading, friends.  Love to all!


  1. I love all your cozy spots, and your bedroom is gorgeous! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  2. Thank you so much, Tanya! I hope the same for you, on this coming weekend!


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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty epic; I'll jump in with it now.  I completely forgot to ...