Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post.

I'm also trying a new linkup with a couple of ladies (Liberty and Shelley) on a post called Best of the Weekend.  Click the link with that title and you can go see what that's about. 

It has been a week!  I think this is a new season of being busy for me.  I'm not complaining, either, I really like it, after months of not being busy.  It feels good to have somewhere to go, though, and I've enjoyed getting to know several new friends recently. 

I have some favorite things from this week I thought I'd share with you.

First up is this amazing soup.

Have you tried this stuff?  If you're a fan of Campbell's tomato soup, it's similar, but with WAY MORE flavor.  I don't think I'll ever go back to the Campbell's brand again.  I suppose it's that roasted red pepper part that gives it that punch of flavor.  My mom introduced my family to this stuff a few years ago, when we all had the flu.  She brought over several boxes of this stuff, and it was the only thing Drew could taste while he had his turn with the wicked flu.  So, thanks, Mommy!  This stuff comes in a box, like chicken or beef stock, so I like that you can refrigerate it if you don't want to make the whole container.  You just shake it really well, then pour it into the pan to heat, and you don't have to add anything.  I think I added pepper to mine, because I add that to everything I eat, just about, but that's all.  Easy, quick, and delicious.  If you're feeling extra decadent, try it with goldfish crackers.

Next up: my favorite thing from my birthday weekend in Jackson, Tn.

This key ring is called the Big O key ring.  I've been wanting one of these for over a year, but never could justify spending $40-45 on one.  I kind of gave up looking at them, because even on Amazon, they were pricey.  Then my bestie and I went to Jackson for my birthday one weekend in December, and in browsing cute shops, came across this one, for $25.  (Yes, that is still an expensive key ring, but what else does one spend birthday money on?  It's the one time a year I allow myself to be frivolous with the money I get as gifts.)  I was going to buy it and pulled out some of my birthday money, and then she snatched it out of my hand and bought it for me, along with one for herself.  I LOVE IT.  I still love it, even a whole month later.  I wear it on my wrist (that's the purpose) while I'm out shopping for groceries, or anywhere I'm not going to be inside for long, and it's so convenient.  Here's a link to another one that is about the same price, from Swoozies.

My sister Debi sent me this a while back, and anyone who knows me, knows that coffee mugs are my favorite.  I love this one so much, because every time I use it, I think of her.  Thank you, Debi!  It's one of those been there mugs from Starbucks.  It's also the perfect size that I prefer.  I use it, it gets washed, then I use it again.  It pretty much never gets put back in the cabinet.

This was also a birthday gift that I picked out from my mom and dad-in-love, this lamp, and it is still one of my favorite things in my whole house.  (I took this picture this morning to show my step mom, because she is in need of a small lamp.)  I love lamp lighting, and I had been wanting a small kitchen lamp for quite some time, and one day while we were out Christmas shopping, we stopped by a store that is new to me, that my mom had told me about.  It's called Home Centric, if you're local to me, and it's in the Forrest Hill shopping center, close to the movie theater.  Think HomeGoods, but even cheaper.  This one was only ten dollars!  And the shade came with it, which is usually how they get you, price wise.  I love that it lights up the whole corner of that area in my kitchen.  It takes a regular sized light bulb, and my hubby buys the warm lighting ones that are energy efficient.  Or, more energy efficient.  Like I said, I love lamp lighting, and he knows I like to leave them on while we're home.  I think it makes a space feel cozy.

Side note: the cookbook the lamp is sitting on is my favorite cookbook ever.  It's Southern Living Easy Weeknight Recipes, and a friend recommended it to me years and years ago.  Each recipe only has a few ingredients, and each one takes no longer than about 45 minutes, from start to finish.  You should consider looking into one for yourself.  All the pages are stained from all the love I've given it over the past decade or so, since I got it.  I think it was a gift, as well.

A few favorite moments of the week for me have been times of good discussion when I was in bible study on Wednesday, seeing my mom in person for the first time in about two weeks, being able to help my dad with a few things, reading a book that was so good that I couldn't put it down or stop thinking about it, catching up with a sweet young lady the Lord brought across my path, having good family dinners throughout the week (I LOVE having all my boys at home at night around the dinner table), and spending time talking to each one of them this week.  Like I said, it's been a really great week.

Today my dad is coming over for our weekly date, and I'm running errands with him.  I was up before dawn this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, so I ordered my groceries via Kroger Clicklist.  This is only the second time I've done that, and I literally thanked God for it right after I submitted my order, because today is a tiny bit crazy.  This shaved off thirty minutes of my afternoon.  I also have to run to the library for the third time this week, and to Target for some gift bags.  Tonight we are having Christmas with my in-loves and my husband's brother and his family, and aside from taking all the gifts, I'm also taking a couple of dishes as well, so I'll be cooking this afternoon while Dad is here.  Tomorrow night is our annual Goodwin family mini-reunion, and it's always a (crazy, crowded, chaotic) fun time.  Then I have to be at church early on Sunday morning, and that day is full, as well.  I know the weekend will fly and I'll be glad to have Monday to catch up on rest and house stuff, since we'll be gone a lot.

I better get started with today.  Thanks for reading my blog!  Love to all.


  1. @Regine -- Right?! It is cute AND extremely useful and practical!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Getting something you wouldn't normally splurge on is such a great treat for your birthday. That lamp is so nice...wish we had that store here. I have tried the Walmart grocery pick up, but not Kroger yet. And I have a store right around the corner! Hope you are having a relaxing weekend! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  3. @Tanya, I totally agree on the birthday splurge. It is the one time i don't feel guilty about doing that.

    The Kroger pickup is great! I don't use it a lot, this is the third time, but it is nice when I'm short on time. I usually just do it myself, because I enjoy grocery shopping. I hope you had a great weekend!


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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty epic; I'll jump in with it now.  I completely forgot to ...