Monday, January 14, 2019

a few random things

I was going to share about our weekend, but we did absolutely nothing, so there's nothing to share.  (This is not including Sunday, that is always a jam packed day for us, and yesterday was no exception.)  It also rained all day Saturday and I had big plans to get out to the grocery store, but NOPE.  Not in the rain.  I read all day and took a gloriously long nap, because I was freezing.  (It was also cold.)

About those random things. 

Do you ever create a "wish list" on Amazon?  I just added a few items to several lists I have on there.  For instance, on one list I created a couple of weeks ago, I titled it 2019 Books To Read.  I follow a few people who read the same kind of books that I like, so when they do their monthly book reviews, I add books to that list.  I don't always buy the books, either, most of them I borrow from the library.  Occasionally, I will buy one that I think I'll love.  I did this in December with a book that ended up being in my top three books of 2018.  (One Day in December, by Josie Silver.) 

Another thing I just added to a new wish list I created today are these packing cubes.  I have heard several people talk about them, and I want to try them for myself.  Ideally, I would love six sets for the six of us in our family, but realistically, I will try one set before buying five more.  I love the pink ones.  They're not a bad price, either, and though they look small, they hold a ton.  One review I read posted that one of the larger ones held five of her sweaters, and a few tee shirts as well. 

Other things I have on my list are things like a body scrub, Papermate Flair felt tip pens (all mine are almost out of ink), a felt letter board I've been wanting, eye makeup remover pads, and some witch hazel I've been wanting to try (as a toner) but keep forgetting about.  Nothing I need, just things I don't want to forget about.  I use my books wish list all the time, at the library.  I also keep a list in whatever purse I'm currently using, but I like the list, too, in case the piece of paper gets lost. 

Back to my Sunday...after church last night, I did end up at the grocery store.  Drew's spring semester at college started today, and I needed a few things before he had to leave this morning.  He will be at the campus that is located downtown four days a week, and to help him out a bit with gas, I let him have my car.  He promised to add some gas to it each week, because my vehicle gets way better gas mileage than his gas-guzzling truck.  Anyway, I did that after church, then came home and did a few things, and went to bed early.  (And again, I was FREEZING, and couldn't get one point, I wondered if I was getting sick and had fever, but I feel fine today, so who knows what that was about?)

On my list of things for today is bible study homework, laundry, and cleaning again.  It seems like I JUST dusted, and it's already dusty again downstairs.  I need to do that same thing upstairs, as well.  I'll make dinner for my family and will eat early by myself tonight, because there's a women's event at our church at six.  Tomorrow night we are having what I call the company Christmas dinner.  We used to have this yearly dinner in the month of December, but who has time for one more thing during that month?  So now, we usually do it in December.  My husband and his dad own their own small business, and have for years, and other than one additional employee, the whole thing is family run.  It's always a fun night, and I am looking forward to it, PLUS, I don't have to think about dinner tomorrow night!  Bonus.  (I love to cook, but the thinking about what I'm going to make wears me out.)

I would also love to finish the book I'm reading today, because I have two more waiting on me.  I went to my happy place on Friday and borrowed them.  I may start cleaning out my kitchen cabinets and drawers today, thanks to Marie Kondo and her Netflix show I love.  I did this on Saturday in my spice cabinet (I was inspired by my friend Kelly), and I thought I'd start in the most used room in the house.  I also want to do this in every other room, but after the kitchen, I want to tackle the downstairs hallway and closet in the middle of the house, then I want to do my own room.  I can definitely organize things better in there, because there are two catch-all spots that are bothering me.  Well, I need to get off this computer and get started on this dreary Monday.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

P.s. Here is a before and after picture of the cabinet I completed on Saturday, thanks to my friend.

When my sister Lisa moved, she gave me these spice rack tiers, and I love them.  And now I can read all of what I have.  I threw away a ton of spices that were expired, or that I hadn't used in over a year.  The top shelf is for baking and birthday candles, the middle shelf is where I store recipes mostly and a few rarely used items, and the bottom shelf is definitely the most used.  Oh, and I just found that pepper shaker!  I thought I had accidentally thrown it away a long time ago, but nope, it was just hiding under this bottom tier, and was laying on its side. 

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  Happy Monday, friends! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty epic; I'll jump in with it now.  I completely forgot to ...