Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for the writing of this blog post. 

It's been such a great week!  I've had something to do every single day this week, and I don't mind that, but it does mean that the time went by really fast.  Anyone who knows me knows that I don't ever actually want Christmas to come.  I would like time to freeze and just hover in this magical time that I love between December 1st and the 24th. 

On Monday, my mom, sister and I went to Memphis to eat and to shop.  Well, I didn't really shop, but I do love being inspired by what I see in the beautiful displays. 

It was a really fun day, and I have already decided I'm going again next year when they do this.  You know when you start the day off with an amazing lunch that the day is going to be good.  And that was the case.  We ate at a place called Burger Hop and the burger was the best I've had in a long time. 

(I don't know where I was looking, don't judge.  I pointed to them where to look and couldn't manage to do so myself.  I'm rolling my eyes at myself.)

Also quality time is my love language and is my very favorite thing.  

This book is in the running for one of my favorite books of the year.  I've read thirty-seven so far, and I would say so far it's in my top three.  If you haven't read this, go and get it from your library or your favorite local book spot.  

I've read one and a half since I completed this one, and so far neither one can hold a candle.

My little Chip was living his best life on this day.  He loves to watch me as I get ready for the day, and usually faces me, but he was snoozing away with his back turned.  That blanket he's on is his favorite.  

My bedroom is my favorite, even more so with the twinkle lights.  I'm leaving them up.  

I made this Chex mix on Tuesday night, and it's everyone's favorite.  There is a post somewhere after this one that I wrote with the recipe, if you're interested.  It is already gone.  It was actually already gone last night, and I used WHOLE BOXES of all the Chex cereals, which are wheat, corn, and rice.

I found this on Timehop this week.  They're my favorite.  I think we need to recreate this picture.  It's so hard to believe twelve years have gone by since we took this.  

Also, in looking for old pictures yesterday, I found these and relived one of my favorite memories.  It's on yesterday's post, at the end of it, when I was wishing my stepdad a happy birthday.

I spent Wednesday afternoon with a couple of my favorite people: one of my best friends, and her little girl.  It was a magical afternoon that we had together, catching up, and eating and drinking yummy things.  

My favorite and best view.  There is no tree as beautiful as your own, don't you think?  Mine is so different this year, Jonah and I decided to keep things a little simpler and not put as many ornaments on, and I think it's my favorite tree to date.  I still love that box you see around the base of it, that my hubby and son made for me.  Now all we need are the presents.  Seriously, we need to do some shopping.  

Well, I have laundry waiting on me, so I'd best move along.  I hope your week was great and that your weekend is even better.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all.  

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