Tuesday, October 23, 2018

{Simply} Tuesday

It is a GLORIOUSLY beautiful day in these parts, and I am glad for that, and for the pretty sunshine.  I saw my first fall colored tree last night at Kroger, and I was ridiculously excited about it.  Jonah was wanting to make a milkshake and we were out of ice cream, so he drove us up to Kroger while I talked to my mom on the phone the whole time.  It was on our way out of the parking lot that I saw the pretty fall tree.  It seems that at least where I live, the trees change later each day.

I'm hoping to see some more pretty ones at my dad's house today when I drive out there.

Things have been pretty mundane around here, so I've not had a lot to write about.  A few things stuck out to me in the last few days, though, and I thought I'd share about them. 

This verse LITERALLY jumped off the page of my bible to me, friends.  I don't even remember why I was reading there last Friday (Thursday?), but it stood out to me so I made this image on the YouVersion bible app I have on my phone.  I love Psalm 34!  I love it so much, it may be one of my very favorite Psalms.  Also, it's a song that I have on repeat every single day at my house. 

Here it is, if you'd like to listen for yourself.


We sing this at church a lot, and I always love it so much. 

Speaking of church.....I took this Sunday night, on my way out.  I'm so grateful for my church family!  We made the decision to start attending faithfully when our boys were as young as two, before that we had been hit or miss, but I am so thankful to God for bringing us to that decision point in our lives.  I cannot imagine life without attending a church faithfully every week.  It is very wise for us to put ourselves under godly preaching and teaching as much as we can, which means weekly or even multiple times each week.  I cannot say this enough about attending. 

Well, I was going to say a little more on this, but I just realized the time, and I have got to get ready for the day.  I have to be at bible study in 45 minutes, so maybe I'll finish this tomorrow...then again, maybe not.  Maybe I'll just keep it short and sweet.  ;)

Love to all, and thanks for always reading! 


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