Thursday, October 11, 2018

life lately

Jonah told me on Friday of last week, that this week would be their fall break.  I'm laughing, because I used to keep up with that stuff, and now I don't.  I do count on them to always tell me these things, though.  So, they have been enjoying a break from school work.  Drew's break starts today.  (He is off every Friday, though.)  He gets Monday and Tuesday off, and I know he's glad.  He's been hard at work at college, and is doing really well.  I am SO proud of him.

Here's a little of what we've been up to this week, mixed in with some random things.

Have you had this stuff? 

I pulled this out of the pantry the other night, and I was looking forward to being the first one to use it.  (Anyone else love making the first marks in things like this?  No?  Okay.)  Someone has already been using it!  I am fairly certain it's Jonah, and he puts it into his milkshakes.

I put it on top of ice cream.  You could just eat it by the spoonful, and it would be fantabulous.  It's similar to peanut butter, the consistency of it, but it's made with cookies instead.  Who wouldn't love that?

I got to babysit my best friend's little girl this week!  This was us on Tuesday, just hanging out on her little playmat.  Everly is the SWEETEST baby to ever have lived.  She is precious and so easy to calm down when she's fussy, but she's not really ever fussy.  We had fun together. 

I love getting my nails done with gel manicures.  There is this little place nearby, that I love, and I love all the sweet people that work in there, and I love that it's not much money and the polish lasts for almost two full weeks.  I love doing that, and I've been getting my nails done there pretty consistently for a couple of years.  I have taken small breaks in between, to let my nails "breathe" without gel polish, and I'm taking a break right now. 

That being said, I also had to throw away a bunch of old polishes recently, so I've been slowly adding more and new colors to my collection of OPI and Essie polishes.  This one above is on my nails right now, and it's a really pretty fall shade of teal.  It's called Amazon Amazoff.  I was trying to match Teal Me More, Teal Me More (from OPI'S Grease collection), but it's already been discontinued and is hard to find in shops. 

I love polishing my nails, and I'm pretty good at it.  The key is to always have a part of your hand touching your other hand as you polish.  It steadies the brush, and then you make long, smooth strokes with the brush.  The other key is to have some of this stuff.  (Used as a topcoat.)

I also love this stuff from OPI.  You apply one or two drops of it at the cuticle of your nail after you're done polishing.  Here's the link:

Moving along, now.

This dog has been a PUNK for the last several weeks.  I spend most of my time being really irritated with him.  I don't know where my sweet little puppy went!   

Have you ever read a book that you started out liking, and then it just went ON AND ON?  I had that happen this week.  I finally finished the book, though, so I returned some to the library the other night and went and got some more.  I read FIVE books in September, and I've already read one so far in October.  I read a good portion of the day yesterday, while I was at an appointment, so I'm halfway through my first one from that stack you see on the table.  I also am still keeping track of what I read.  My reading journal is underneath that white book you see, and I have one page per month.  I love lists.  And I love keeping track of how much I read.  It definitely fluctuates at different times during the year.


I am so excited at the upcoming weather!  It finally seems to be fall in these parts. 

And all my Denver family just rolled their eyes, as they shovel their snow.  Ha! 

My plans for today include grocery shopping and making something yummy for dinner, something requested by them last weekend.  I will also do laundry and vacuum the downstairs (it's a never ending task), and I'll read my book.  Tomorrow I plan on seeing my mom, since it's been a while since we've done anything.  And then the weekend will be here!  I have no idea what our plans are, though, but I think they'll be gone a lot. 

Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...