Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I love them, and this one is particularly exciting, because I'll be seeing my dad for the first time in two weeks.  He was on vacation, and they left on a Thursday and came back on a Monday.  It seems like it's been forever since we last had lunch and solved all the world's problems.  I'm so glad he's home safely and that their vacation was so wonderful.  I can't wait to hear him tell me about his favorite parts. 

It's been a good week, but I'm glad it's the weekend, because most of the people in my house have been sick with sinus infections.  They all seem to finally be feeling better now, though. 

Here are some of my favorite moments from this week gone by.

I have had some really good quiet times with the Lord this week, and this picture above represents one such day.  I've been reading in the Gospels, but on this particular day, the Lord led me to this Psalm.  I'd been praying and He recalled to mind this verse that says His name is holy and awe-inspiring.  He is!  I love to talk about Him, about His goodness, His kindness.  He is my favorite subject. 

This weather all week has made me feel like Lorelai feels when it snows for the first time.  I feel like magic is in the air when it's cold outside.  Words cannot describe my love for this kind of weather, and sleeping in my bed with no heat, but under a huge and heavy blanket is my absolute FAVORITE.  We pulled out our heavy blankets one night this week when it dipped down to the lower forties.  It was divine.

And I think I want a weighted blanket.  Thoughts?

Tuesday was a night I will not soon forget.  I had the privilege of going to hear a Holocaust survivor speak on this night, and I went with my best friend.  Her name is Eva Schloss, and she is eighty-nine years young.  Hearing what happened during the Holocaust is so much different that just reading about what happened.  She wouldn't even speak of such things, but just urged everyone to buy her book to read.

My friend bought it and said she'd share, so I look forward to reading it. 

On a MUCH lighter note, I have so enjoyed reliving some of my favorite moments from the trip my hubby and I took to NYC two years ago to celebrate our twentieth anniversary and fortieth birthdays.  It was the trip of a lifetime, I feel like, and getting to attend church services at Brooklyn Tabernacle was the icing on the cake.  I want to go back! 

In going through the scripture writing plan for this month, this was my favorite verse from the week.  Nothing is too difficult for God, and for that I am so thankful.  Whether it is a huge need or a small need that we have, I have learned to just take it all to Him.  He is the One in control, and even when He doesn't answer in the way I want Him to, I recognize His will and that His plans are far better than mine.  I am so glad I can take all my needs to Him. 

My church is having a dinner theater production this week, and I got to go last night.  It was so much fun!  I laughed so hard at a few of the scenes, and I am blown away by some of the talent I saw.  These type nights are my favorite, and it's fun to be among friends that are like family.  I met a new friend last night, speaking of, we ended up sitting together for the play, and I was glad we introduced ourselves.  It's hard to believe we're in our eighth year of attending CFBC.  It doesn't seem that long, but then again, it seems like we've been here forever.  I love my church family so much and I love serving alongside them and being in fellowship with them. 

Thanks for reading my blog!  Have a great day and enjoy your weekend.  Love to all!


  1. I love your thoughts on your devotions. Could you share your scripture writing plan? What does it entail? Do you pray for the scripture you should write or do you have a set plan? Do you do scripture (verse) mapping as well?

  2. Thank you for commenting, Winter Mommy! I actually wrote a blog post before this Friday Favorites, about my quiet time and what all I use, so feel free to go scroll through it for more details.

    The scripture writing plan is one I use from Shannon at Sweet Blessings ( I print it out, then read it first, underline it in my bible, if it's not already, then I write it out. A lot of the time, I do pray the passage, especially if it's in the Psalms. As of right now, I don't do the scripture mapping...I'm not sure what that is, I'll have to go take a look around the internet and see what it is!

    I hope that helps! God bless, and have a great week!


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