Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  Although Friday felt like Tuesday and then Wednesday felt like Saturday, so I don't know what this day feels like, but whatever.  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post. 

So even though I can't ever seem to cool off unless I am submerged in a body of water, and it's not at all my favorite season, I really do love the summer.  I love the laid back days and I love the thought of Independence day and fireworks (without loving the fireworks my family always shoot off), and I especially love getting together with friends and not having to rush to get ready for the next day, like when my kids are in school.  (Well, doing school work, they're not IN school.  We homeschool.)

Moving on, now, with some favorites from this week.

Have any of you read this book?  I haven't read the whole thing, but I pulled it out again this week to start over with.  This is a collection of her newsletters that she would send out a while back, all put together in one book.  Some of this is like reading pages from a journal.  Other parts are stories of some things she has experienced over a life lived for the Lord.  It is wonderful, and I highly recommend it and recognize it as one of my favorite books of all time.  It's all beautiful and uplifting and will inspire you in your walk with God.

I love this picture!  It's one of my favorite memories of something fun we did with my dad on one of our infamous Fridays with Dad.  That is a thing, yes, and even a blog I started ages ago of tales from our weekly dates that have been happening for the past thirteen years.  I need to update it and start posting to that again, because it's been forever.  This was a day when we took all the boys to the children's museum in Memphis.  He was loving this simulation of flying a propeller plane, and eventually I had to tell him to share with Jonah.  I'm laughing as I write that.

Fireworks from far away are my favorite. 

Fireworks up close are NOT my favorite.

They make me so nervous and Drew had a thing happen between him and a sparkler and his bare foot one year and ever since, they make me a nervous wreck.  And they're unpredictable and you never know where they're going to go.

That being said, this night was one of my favorite nights of the week.  We went to my mom's house on the fourth for dinner and to play with the fireworks that Bill and Graham bought.  I stayed inside and watched the one in New York with Mom, because she's not a fan either.

This is not at all spiritual, but I love a good James Patterson book, and this one is INCREDIBLE.  The voice that Bill Clinton offers with all his presidential knowledge adds another level of depth that leaves me wanting more of it every time I sit down to read.  I think I may stay home and read all day long tomorrow, because I want to know what happens.  I highly recommend this book, for anyone who loves or even doesn't love James Patterson. 

(One of my favorite books of all time is one by him, titled The Beach House.)

Well, my daddy is going to be here in ten minutes, and I need to dust a tiny bit before he comes, so I will stop for now.  Thanks for reading!  Have a great weekend, friends.  Love to all. 

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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! It's my favorite day of the week, and I am excited for my weekend. How's your week been? I had what felt li...