Tuesday, July 3, 2018

catching up from the weekend

Todd, Drew, Jonah and Noah just returned home from youth camp in Chattanooga, Tn last night.  Todd left on Wednesday after lunch, and the boys left Thursday morning.  I thought I would miss the house being loud, and while it did get really quiet at times, I thoroughly enjoyed the alone time with my oldest boy.  I was also glad to have another human in the house each night when I went to sleep.  

My mom let us come over for dinner Friday night and Graham wanted to drive us out there, so I let him.

I love this kid.  He is so proud of his truck, and after a very long stint with a Bronco that never seemed to run right, I am so thankful he has a dependable vehicle now.  He is in the process of getting it just like he wants it, and is having the time of his life.

This was on our way home, and look at that sky!  I love a good sunset.

On Saturday, Graham played disc golf, and I stayed home with the dogs.  That night, my sister Trish and I took my dad to dinner for a belated Father's day celebration.  We ate at a really good Mexican restaurant called Frida's, we walked around Barnes and Noble for a little bit, then I took them to a park that my boys love.  

This is Hinton park in Collierville, and there are xylophones of differing sizes on one of the play areas.  We were all playing with them, and it was just a really fun and memorable night.  

On Sunday we went to church, and I had lunch with Mom right afterward.  We went to a sandwich place nearby, and Graham and Rachel joined us.  I came home and took a nap, then that night Missy came over with her food, and we ate dinner (I ate my leftovers from Saturday night) and then we watched a Christmas movie.  My favorite, actually, The Family Stone.  

It is July, friends.  As in, Christmas in July.  It's a thing, don't pretend it's not.  Most of you know how much I adore Christmas.  :)

Yesterday morning I went to dear friend's house and before we realized it, two and a half hours had flown right by.  I went to the grocery store to replenish the pantry for my family coming home, and then came home and did laundry to free up the washer and dryer for all the camp laundry, then by six last night, we were all back under one roof.  Well, Graham worked a shift with the sheriff's department, but mostly, we were all home together.  

They all had a blast at camp, and this was the theme of the week.  You matter.  It's also Jason's (the youth pastor) life motto.  I was so glad to have them back home, though.  None of them really wanted to talk, though, because they were all exhausted, and Todd was in bed by seven thirty and asleep by eight.  He slept for TWELVE solid hours.  

And two of them are still sleeping right this moment.  I am doing laundry all day long, washing my hair in between (that is a chore), and I am going to Costco for some very important essentials, like coffee.  

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.  

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