Monday, July 16, 2018

a weekend with family

My sisters, niece, and great-nieces came in town Friday night.  They all live in Colorado, and we had a bridal shower to attend this weekend, so they flew in for that, since it's the only one they'll be able to come to.  My nephew Tyler is getting married in September.

My twin great-nieces are eighteen months old now, and it was so. much. fun. getting to see them run all over the place.  Needless to say, even though Todd was working Friday night, Graham was on a date night and Drew was at a church event, Jonah, Noah, and I went to grab a bite to eat and headed out to Mom's house.  We were the official welcoming committee.  Also, it was good that we were there because we were able to help unload #allthestuff.

We got it all inside, and they sat down to eat a yummy, albeit late, dinner.  Kinsley is on the left, Kylie on the right.  Auntie Jen made sure they ate while Mommy and GiGi (my sister Lisa) ate their dinner.  After this I helped Erika give them baths.  My heart was thrilled to be able to help out!

We stayed until about nine thirty and came back home.  On Saturday we all went out to shop for the shower (well, I was along for the ride, because we already gave them their gift).   It was hotter than Hades here this weekend, and by the day's end, I was beat.  I love the South, I really do, but I do not love this awful humidity.  I can't breathe well when it's as hot as it was.  We had kind of a late lunch that day, and later that night we went out to Mom's again, but this time for dinner.  All six of my family members were there with me.  That's a rare thing.

I helped them eat their dinner (they don't need help, but I wanted to do this and Erika was kind enough to let me) and helped bathe them again.  We discovered that Kinsley loves Memphis barbecue and they both love to dip any and everything in sauce.  She was tearing up the meat and BBQ sauce!  We had Corky's barbecue.

On Sunday I got all my people out the door for church and got dressed myself, but for the bridal shower.  I was ready a little early, so I was able to sit and watch the worship service on our livestream.  I rode with Trish and Lisa there.

Here are a few pictures from the shower.

I love their engagement photos!  They're such a gorgeous couple.  Everything was decorated beautifully, and she had a great turnout.

I loved this part that hung above the table where Terri sat with the moms.

It's hard to tell which kiddo this is, but I THINK it's Kylie.  She loved making the chair rock.

Again, I am not sure, but I think this one is Kinsley.  We shut this door to contain them inside a little nook area where they could play while we watching Terri open gifts.

I'm sad that we only got one picture, but this one is better than nothing.  Left to right are Erika with Kylie, Terri with Kinlsey, Lisa is on the ground kneeling, then Debi, Trish, me, and Mom.

Sweet Terri is gorgeous and looked the part of a beautiful bride.  I've enjoyed getting to know some of her family members at her last two showers.  I am so excited for them!

After the shower, I came home, fell asleep, and then woke up to a torrential downpour, ending with the power going out for about six hours.  We killed the time playing Skipbo by candlelight and I went to bed at ten thirty.  Todd and Graham worked with the sheriff's department, Drew was at friend's house watching a movie, and Noah was at his friend's house.  It was Jonah, Alex, and me here last night playing Skipbo and killing cicadas in the kitchen.  Not even joking.  Graham cut a tree out of the road that was laden with poison oak (praying that he doesn't get it), and Todd hit a deer on the way home (but I am praising God that he is okay).

It was an eventful weekend, but especially that particular night.

It can only get better from there, right?  Maybe I shouldn't say that...

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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