Monday, June 25, 2018

the weekend

Are you catching a theme for my blog during the summer?  I can't think of a title (as usual) and I seem to write about the everyday, mundane things that make up our life right now. 

This one will be the same. 

I had a great weekend.  I felt like it was very social, more so than normal.  (Said the introvert.)  My mom and I got it started on Friday.  She called me up, and found out I had no plans, so we made some together.  We basically just went to run a few errands for her in Germantown, and I played chauffeur.  I LOVE driving her car, it reminds me of my old Suburban.  (I love Madame Blueberry, my new adorable car, but I miss that heavy feeling of the Suburban.)  We ate lunch first, because duh, and then we visited a couple of fabric places she loves. 

I LOVE fabric stores. 

The color, the neatness, the precious baby and toddler clothes that are handmade all make me really happy.  These stores are always aesthetically pleasing to me, and while I do not sew even a button on a shirt, I love going with Mom.  I'm amazed by her brain and her ability to sew and calculate how much she will need, and even how she just makes up her own patterns when she can't find one she likes.  Talk about being a math whiz.  You pretty much have to be, when it comes to sewing.

She crochets, too. 

And seriously, I cannot sew on a button.  Toddley does that job in our house.

That night we all loaded in my car and went to Interstate Barbecue, an infamous Memphis BBQ dive.  And it was a dive.  It was really good, though.  I loved it, until about one a.m. when it decided it didn't like me.  I think barbecue in general just doesn't sit well with me, so I won't eat it again for a very long time. 

On Saturday morning, I went with Mom to one of my best friend's baby shower at church.  It was so much fun!  Their one year anniversary was yesterday, and they will meet their baby girl in less than a month.  I am so happy for them, and can't wait until she gets here and I can go love on her during the day. 

I love baby showers! 

This was us one year ago.  She's gained a few pounds since.  (BABY pounds, none other.)

After the shower, I went with Mom to run an errand, then our last stop was the grocery store so I could buy what I needed for dinner that night.  Which was AMAZING. 

I love everything (almost) that Ree Drummond (The Pioneer Woman) makes.  This is her recipe for beef stew and cheese grits.  For the meat, I bought a chuck roast, diced it, and browned it in olive oil, butter and with salt and pepper.  When it was browned, I poured in enough beef stock and red wine to cover it all.  Once it started boiling, I reduced the heat, put the lid on, and simmered it for two hours, stirring occasionally.  For the grits, I brought to a boil water with salt added in (use the measurements on the container).  I poured in the grits and stirred them constantly for about six minutes.  Once that was done, I turned off the heat and added in shredded cheddar cheese (that I grated myself because it's so much better), sour cream, and pepper.  (Trust me on the sour cream, it takes these otherwise ordinary grits to over the top delicious.)

This was so good, I cannot even explain.  I will be making it again and again. 

On Sunday was church, then I had choir practice, and then FINALLY, we had community group again. 

We haven't met since the end of March.  If you don't know, this is a time we meet each Sunday night with high school students, and we eat together, then break into age/gender appropriate groups and study the word of God.  In the summer we have pool parties, and I have asked a few godly men to share a devotional type talk with them all combined.  This was last night.  We told them they could stay in the pool and they all listened really well.  We had pizza (from Little Caesar's, not Dominoes), ice cream sandwiches, and we got all caught up.  Well, kinda.  We are planning on meeting with our freshman girls in a couple of weeks for a girls only night out and swim party. 

I love community groups because I love a good small group.  I also love that students that may not come to church will come to community group.  We meet in homes around town and I love that part, too, because it's a good way for people to be involved without the teaching part.  I hope to move up with these ninth grade girls in August, when they become sophomores, and the same is true for my sweet best friend Missy.

We told them we would commit four years to them, and if the Lord allows, we still would love to do that. 

This was part of my chronological reading this morning and I loved it.  Just a couple of weeks ago, I went to a Wednesday night womens class at church, and Mrs. Barbee taught on the Lord being our banner.  I love that class!  I look forward to it each and every week. 

I have a crazy fun day planned for the entire day tomorrow, one that involves Missy, and I can't wait to share about it later in the week.  Also planned for this week is camp!  Three of the boys leave on Thursday and Toddley leaves Wednesday.  Graham is staying behind, as am I, and my sister might come spend the night with me a couple of nights.  I have a hot date Saturday night (well, with my Dad and Trish) and I plan on an otherwise low-key weekend.  I can't wait! 

The fam returns sometime Monday. 

This week is going to fly by, I can already tell.  I am spending today getting ready for tomorrow and making lists of what all needs to be done until they all leave for camp.  When I have so many things rolling around in my head, I tend to forget a lot, so that is why I make lists.  I have already started on one and will add to that one as I go about the day. 

Well.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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