Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post. 

A bit of truth before I get started: I love a good, rainy summer day.  But I have dogs.  And dogs and rain do not mix.  And I also have this thing that drives me crazy called a WOOD FLOOR, and their little wet, muddy paw prints all over it are about enough to send me right over the edge.  I'm trying to let it go, but it's hard.  As I write this, it is pouring buckets outside.  It sounds nice, but I'm already dreading them going out next. 

On the other hand, at least it's a wood floor, and not carpet. 

Still, it's not my favorite. 

This week Drew and I have been sharing my car.  Because of all the things he or I had planned, it's been a bit mind numbing trying to plan it all out and coordinate the use of Madame Blueberry.  (Yes, I named her after my boys' favorite Veggie Tales movie from their younger years, because she is BLUE.)  I am so thankful that we had it towed today to a Ford mechanic and I'm hoping we get it back later on today.  Fingers crossed.

I have loved reminiscing about our vacation this week.  It was so much fun, and several times, I've gone back to look at the pictures I took while we were there.

This one's my favorite.  HE'S my favorite.  We were on a golf cart riding down a paved mountain path.  It was so much fun!  And it involved a picnic and I love picnics. 

One of the things I did this week was go grocery shopping and errand-running with my mom, and things went a little differently than we planned that day.  It all turned out fine, but it was something with her car that scared us half to death, and this was the verse I thought of when it happened.  (We thought we smelled raw gasoline, and we did, but we thought it was coming from her car.  It was not, but there had been a spill, perhaps, where we were when we first smelled it; we took it to the dealer to have it checked, and all was fine.)

We can make the plans, but He is who is in charge. 

This verse is one of my favorites, and it's one I tell to myself and to others all the time.  I said it to Mom that day, as she was on the phone with the service department at Nissan.  Also, how funny that I read it again yesterday in my quiet time, as part of my chronological bible reading. 

So many things about this picture are my favorites: my bible, my pens, index cards for scripture memorization.  On this day, and I kid you not, the Lord showed me this verse two times in one morning, before eight o'clock.  I figured it was something I needed to read more of again, so I read the chapter to put it in context, and then I wrote and drew it out on that index card.  The idea was not my own, it came from an account on Instagram that I follow, called Maker Mom. 

Speaking of Instagram, it is my favorite form of social media.  I'm not a huge fan of Facebook anymore, but I still use it occasionally, and my Instagram automatically posts to there as well, as does my blog.  So it looks like I'm on there more than I am, but really, if I am, it's only to get rid of the notifications I see on my phone.  I follow so many inspirational people on there, and I love seeing things like bible verses on the feed.  Plus, it's pictures, and I love pictures~taking them, seeing them, and posting them.

Oh, Chip.  He was confused about the dog bowls this week.  He was in the kitchen flipping them all over the place.  He was making a terrible racket and when I went in there to check on him, this was how I found him.  "Mom?  You got any more food?"  It seems like that it what he is saying.  Speaking of food for the dogs, for the first time ever, we have them all on one type.  And it is glorious to not have to buy three different brands.  I don't know why we never did that before, but they all love the new food. 

One of my favorite moments from the week?  Going to Mem Pops and catching up with this one.  It doesn't matter that we talked on the phone for two hours one night, we needed to see each other in person.  It was a fun night, and when nobody showed up to our class at church, this is where we went.

I also got to spend last night catching up with one of my other favorite people, but we never stop and take pictures!  Andrea and I went to Chili's and talked for three hours.  We made plans to meet again in June, because we can't let a month go by without a night out. 

Friends are my favorite!

If you know me at all, you know that driving is one of my favorite past times, and this road was so pretty yesterday!  There were no cars around me for miles, so I stopped and took this.  Yes, I'm rolling my eyes at myself, but I can't pass up a pretty country road. 

My son Jonah has his own car detailing business, and he hired Noah to help him all summer.  I dropped them off to detail an old friend's vehicles yesterday at nine and picked them back up at four fifteen.  They detailed a truck and a boat.  The boat was a first.  I'm very thankful for friends who keep hiring him!  This is a weekly job for them for an indefinite amount of time.  Plus any others that he has in a week's time. 

I'm very proud of my hard working boys. 

Today I am going to my happy place: the library.  I am in need of something summery to read and I haven't loved my last few that I've borrowed.  I hope to remedy that today. 

Well, I need to get moving on this day, my dad will be here in a couple of hours.  Thanks for reading my blog!  Love to all. 

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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...