Monday, May 14, 2018

Drew's Graduation Day

As quickly as this day appeared, that's how fast it flew by, and I have to say that I am very glad to be on the other side of it now.  I was looking forward to this day for so long, but I was also dreading this day.  I knew on Thursday when I went to write out his card and crying after I wrote, "Oh, Drewby", that I was in big trouble.  I wrote those two words, not even a complete sentence, and immediately tears were in my eyes. 

As quickly as these few days have gone by, that is also how fast the years went, or so it seems. 

I mean, shouldn't he still be this little?  As I write that, though, I have to take it back.  They're not meant to stay little, and though I do so miss the years of them being this young, it is so exciting to see them be molded into the men of God that the Lord has called them to be.  It's thrilling to watch His plan for their lives unfold, especially when they first start to get an inkling of what it is they may want to do the rest of their lives.  Now, things could change as far as career choices go, and I know that, but by the grace of God, I hope to be able to say someday that Drew is a pediatrics nurse. 

(That is his plan now, but like I said, it could change.  I hope he will stick with the nursing thing, but more than anything, I just want him to walk in God's will for his life, whatever that may be.)

I also had the thought for the millionth time, that I am so incredibly thankful that God made us into a homeschooling family.  Homeschooling the boys is something I had always wanted to do, but I was terrified for most of those years and I ran from that.  And I may or may not have said, "I will NEVER homeschool my kids."  I am pretty sure that God has a sense of humor.  Even though I had wanted to homeschool for a long time, we didn't actually begin this journey until Graham was halfway through eighth grade, Drew was halfway through seventh, and Jonah and Noah were in the fourth grade (we started them in August, though, like you should do...the other two we pulled out halfway through the year).  I know they all started off loving it, and I know that they get frustrated from time to time, but I am pretty sure that most of them would say that they're glad we did this.  If they say otherwise, know it's from a misconstrued view of what a brick and mortar high school seems like in their heads (like High School Musical).  Most days they hear of things that go on and one of them tells me how glad they are that we do this.  I won't name names, though, as to who says that.

All that being said, yesterday was a great day, and I thought I'd share some pictures. 

The MHEA graduation is always at Bellevue in a nearby town.  (It's the biggest church in the city.)  MHEA is Memphis Home Educators Association.  By being a part of this local chapter, we can easily also be part of the state version, if I were to ever be questioned for anything like truancy.  It's like a high school.  They have events for social gatherings, they give banquets and galas, they offer team sports in any/everything, and they offer graduation services for twelfth grade and kindergarten (I think).

We got his cap on!  We ended up setting it atop his head and pinning it into place.  I just told him not to make any sudden movements. 

Some sweet friends of his came to celebrate with him, and I am so thankful for that.

(This last one is Griffin, and that chain has become a thing between the two of them.  They're such goofballs.)

And some family came, too!

I am also incredibly grateful to live in town with our family.  We each have siblings who live out of town that could not make it this year due to things out of their control, but we know they were with us in heart and in spirit.  I missed seeing those who couldn't be there yesterday, but I am glad for the ones who were able to come.  Not pictured are my sister Trish, and his friend Ellen who came in town last weekend and proceeded to stay the week with family, just so she could be here for his graduation. 

These are all his wonderful grandparents.  We are so fortunate for all these wonderful family members!  I was feeling so overwhelmed with gratitude yesterday and may or may not have cried a few times because of it. 

It was a lovely ceremony and we were out of there faster than lightning when it was all over and done with. 

Todd, Noah, and I all rushed home to get food in the oven and to prepare for the party that followed.  Let me say here before I go any further: I know of several people whom I forgot to invite.  Please know that I am so incredibly sorry!  I pray you give me a little grace in this, though, for being so forgetful.  I seriously thought of about ten people I just left off, while I was laying in bed sick to my stomach last night.  There are some whom I did remember to invite, but whose invitations are still in my kitchen with their names printed on the envelopes.  I wish I had an excuse, but I don't.  Please forgive me.  This is further proof of how human I am.  I'm rolling my eyes at myself.

Moving on...

We had a little reception for Drew, and I honestly was afraid people wouldn't come.  I don't know why I thought that, I guess you just always want people to show up for your kids, but I was so happy with how many could make it!  I know it's a busy time of year, and several people who were here had been party hopping all day long, so know that I am so grateful that you took time out of your busy day to come and celebrate Drew with us.  Drew was incredibly blessed by all of your thoughtfulness and generosity. 

I saved my favorite pictures for last.

These were the ones I chose for the video that played before the ceremony.

Goodness, I love these boys of mine.  Sadly, though my husband was there in attendance, I did not get a picture with him and Drew.  We discovered this last night, but I will fix that tomorrow night at his senior banquet, per Drew's request. 

Once again, this was such a wonderful, surreal day.  I hope Drew looks back for years to come with fond memories of this day, and I am pretty sure that he will.  Though I did get teary eyed a few times in the ceremony, I didn't actually cry.  I did yesterday morning when Todd posted that first picture of him you see on here on social media, but I held up pretty well. 

Last year when I found out that MHEA always holds their graduations on Mother's Day weekend, I was kinda disappointed, but I am actually glad it's like that.  I love that they're always one of the first in this area to graduate, and I love having a day to see all our moms and getting to give them tokens of our love and appreciation while they're here.  We celebrated with them last night as well, while we were all under one roof.  If you're a mom of mine, know how thankful I am for you too, and how much I love you. 

Also, I am so grateful to my sisters and mom and mom-in-love who helped out with his party and for helping me plan and giving me ideas.  It doesn't seem adequate to say a mere "thank you", but know how thankful I am for you and how much I treasure you and the way you're always so quick to help a sister out.  And to my best friend Missy Byrd, let me say this: I never want a life without you in it, my friend.  Thank you for bringing all the things.  I love you all! 

Today (Sunday is when I wrote this) I went to church and came home and did absolutely nothing.  And it was heaven. 

Life resumes tomorrow and this week will fly by because it's the week before we leave for vacation.  I think I have something planned everyday, but I am looking forward to a trip with my people (plus a girlfriend this time). 

Thank you for reading my blog!  Love to all. 

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