Tuesday, April 10, 2018

worship songs I have on repeat

I love worship music.  Love, love, love it.  Honestly, I love music in general, and I cannot imagine living in a world where I couldn't have music.  For years and years (at least eighteen), I have had a kitchen radio mounted under the cabinets.  I listen to K Love all the time.  Sometimes I switch over to their sister station, Air One, but if I am in there doing anything, the radio is on.  I do (very occasionally) listen to pop or country, like when I'm in the car and my kids force me, so I do know some of those songs, but I prefer K Love. 

Last year my husband bought me a little bluetooth speaker, so I also now have that in my bathroom.  While I'm upstairs making beds and folding laundry or cleaning or getting dressed I use Spotify to listen.  I have some favorites that are always on repeat.  I thought I'd share them with you today. 

One side note, I love worship music, but I like the songs to be about God.  Either who He is or what He has done, like this first song I'm going to share.

This is Thanks Be To Our God, by Travis Cottrell.

Sometimes this song makes me weep.  Like last night while I was getting ready for bed after my shower.

I was introduced to this song pretty recently on the radio, and immediately, I loved the lyrics.  This is So Will I, by Hillsong.

I love Chris Tomlin's newest album, and this is one of my favorites.  Come Thou Fount.

Same album and artist, but this one's First Love by him and with Kim Walker Smith.

This one takes me back to high school choir.  It's the same album, and artist.  This one's Kyrie Eleison.

One song I love to worship to and cannot help but lift my arms to Jesus is This Is Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham.

This last one was one we sang on Resurrection Sunday, and it makes me want to jump.  Glorious Day, by Kristian Stanfill.

I love most any and all worship music.  I'm somewhat picky with the lyrics, though, and I don't like singing about how we can overcome or how we're strong, or how great we are.  I only love the songs that sing about who God is, and what He has done,

I love to worship my Jesus.  I close my eyes and imagine me in heaven at the foot of His throne, worshiping Him and singing it all for Him.  He is the one I sing for and to.  I love Him so much and cannot imagine a life lived without Him.  I hope you enjoy these songs!  They're all so good. 

Happy Tuesday, friends.  Love to all. 

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