Thursday, March 29, 2018

life lately

This week has been abnormally busy for me.  I usually don't go to many places during the week, but this week has been different.  I feel like it all started last week, somehow, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case.

On Monday, I got to go visit one of my very favorite places~the hair salon!  I love getting my hair done, and I was way overdue for some highlights to cover all the gray.  I haven't had it done since October...I didn't really mean to wait that long, but such is life, sometimes.

I love it.  And yes, you do see some gray mixed in there with the blonde.  It feels so extravagant to do this, and it really is.  For years I tried to do my own, or my mom would do it (and she did a great job!), but we never had the right stuff, like the dryer or light to sit under while it processed.  This goes by surprisingly fast, when I go see Ginger, the sweet friend who does my hair.  It only takes about an hour, even with all my hair, and I'm back out the door in no time.  I always leave her with wet hair, because if I can, I prefer to let my hair dry naturally.  Sometimes I help it along with a hairdryer, though, and then I end up looking Whoopi Goldberg.

Also on Monday, our friends and old neighbors came by to visit for a while.  They live near Nashville now, and it is always so good to see them and remember days gone by.  They are still some of our dearest friends of all time, and the ones we went camping with all the time.  We have so many fun memories together.  We spent part of our time laughing at things that happened over the years.  These were the neighbors right next door, so for years, we had a path worn between our houses.  Every weekend, one night every week, we would meet and eat dinner, play cards and swim.  To this day, I am probably more comfortable with Katie and Travis than just about anyone else on earth, other than my husband and family.  They've seen me at all stages of life~best, worst, put together, sick, looking like death, dressed up, in pajamas, you name it, we've gone through it together. 

Those are the best kind of friends.  I miss them still, even after years of them being gone. 

On Tuesday, we packed up the animals and left the house to spend the day at my in-love's.  We bug bombed the attic and fireplace for the wasp problem we've been having.  I'm thrilled to report that it seemed to be pretty successful.  We've seen only one alive and several dead.  The dogs all loved being at Mimi's.

I still cannot believe three dogs reside inside my house.  Crash is at the top, then Chip, and Callie is the pretty girl in the bottom picture.  They're all so good, though, and really well behaved.  They saved us that day at Mimi's, from impending death by stray cat and the mail person.

This is where Crash stands or sits guarding Mimi's and Papa's house.

That night was the annual sheriff's department appreciation dinner.  I didn't take pictures.  Well, I took one of Rachel and Graham, but I'm pretty sure she would kill me because she didn't like her hair in the ones I took.

I think she looked beautiful, but I know what it's like to hate a picture of yourself, so I'll not post, out of respect for her.

Graham went because he is going through classes to be on the sheriff's department as well.  He is now certified to save lives, deliver babies, place patients on spine boards, and a bunch of other stuff.  When this is all over, he will graduate at the end of April, and will be a first responder.

Also, my husband was awarded an outstanding service certificate that night.  I was so proud of him!

Yesterday, I needed to run to Lifeway, so my mom and I went together.  We ate lunch afterward, then I came home to make sure Drew didn't die in the shower.  (He's still on crutches.)  I met Graham at the Dairy Queen halfway between our house and their shop, because he forgot his clothes to change into that night for class, then we came back home.  Jonah had gone to work that day with them, but he came home again with me.  Missy and Rachel came over to start our new bible study (!!), then Todd and I inhaled a quick dinner, and I left for praise team practice at church, to prepare for Resurrection Sunday. 

This dog is such a baby!  He is incredibly spoiled, but we love him so.  He sleeps literally all day long, and thinks if he's still, he should be in a lap.  He loves to cuddle. 

I was only at church for an hour last night, then I came back home and ate a bowl of cereal.  I was in bed by nine thirty, because all day yesterday, I was exhausted from being up half the night before.  (I hate the weather in Memphis, and all of us are suffering from sinus problems right now.) 

Today I am taking Drew to an orthopedic doctor to check his ankle out again, because it seems like it's not as good as it should be.  He is still really swollen and bruised, and we just want to make sure everything is okay.  And tonight I'm cooking dinner and getting back into my pj's at an early hour.  I'm pretty sure my husband will be back at church to run through the lighting for Sunday. 

So you see why it's been a busy week for us.  It's been great so far, though, and today I'm anxious to hear what the doctor says about Drew.  I know he's sick of crutches. 

Thanks for reading, friends!  Love to all. 

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