Friday, March 23, 2018
Friday Favorites
Happy Friday! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this blog post.
I'll start in reverse, but here are a few of my favorite moments/things from throughout the last week.
One is this scene that I sat and admired last Friday.
Dad's house will always be home to me. We went to his house last week for lunch, and we enjoyed sitting and chatting afterward. I love this fireplace! I've sat on that hearth, I've laid in front it it to warm by the fire, and when I was young, it was the stage on which I loved perform. I was never shy.
The view at his house will forever be my favorite.
We bought a new (to us) chair last week, and it's my favorite that we've had yet. We've gone through many recliners, but this one takes the cake. It's so comfy and it feels like a hug when you sit down. It rocks, it swivels, and it reclines in a way that makes you want to take a nap. Also, how adorable is my Chip??
And, if you know me, you know how much I love bright, happy colors. I've been slightly obsessed with color ever since my elementary school days. Did anyone else ever sit and study their box of Crayola crayons? I would memorize the color names. I still do that today, but with OPI nail polish colors.
These verses are some of my favorites, and have brought me comfort many times throughout this past week. To read more about that, read my last post.
I admitted to the world (not really, but to Instagram) on Monday that doing laundry is one of my favorite things. It really is. I love mostly the process of folding clothes nice and neat, and making tidy little piles. I realize that makes me unique, but I have loved doing this ever since I started having kids.
We've had a pretty slow week around here, what with it being the week after spring break. On Wednesday morning at 3:15 a.m., Noah and I took Todd to the airport. He is in Portland, Oregon for work, and for the rest of the day, even though I took a few naps, I could not stay alert and felt like a zombie. This was me at seven that night, drinking coffee in my favorite cup from my sister Debi, trying to stay awake until nine, when it was acceptable for me to go to bed. That is what two and a half hours of sleep will do to me. I never could stay up like that, even when I was young and going to slumber parties. I was ALWAYS the one my friends would prank, because I'd be laying on the floor in my sleeping bag, comatose.
I'm still reading along in my bible, in chronological order, and yesterday I made it into Joshua, one of my favorite Old Testament books.
Also, this bible is still my favorite that I've ever had. It's the She Reads Truth bible, and it's the gray linen one. Here's a link, if you want to check it out for yourself. This would make a GREAT graduation gift for a young lady. The margins are wide, so you can take notes, the pages are not too thin, and there are beautiful illustrations throughout. I cannot recommend this one enough, and I know my bibles, y'all. They're my thing, and I buy a new one, or pick out one as a gift, every couple of years. My goal is for my boys to have them all someday when I'm gone, and I write out prayers for them in the margins, and explain a little what some of my favorite passages are talking about.
I'll end with a bang. This was us last night, waiting on Drew to be x-rayed. Last night was his first game in the men's three on three basketball league at church, and he went to make a shot and fell really hard on that ankle that looks like there's a golf ball under the skin. He laid there and didn't get up, so my father-in-love went out to take a look for himself (he was a first responder and drove an ambulance for many years), and told me that I needed to take him to get it checked out. It's not broken, and it's definitely sprained, but he also possibly tore some ligaments and tendons. Hopefully in a few days he will feel better and be able to walk on it again, but until then, they sent him home with it wrapped and on crutches. And, if you know Drew at all, you know the crutches present a whole other set of things to worry about. The plan is for him to just stay upstairs as long as he can, and to come down only when he wants a change of scenery. Bless him. He actually just woke up, and is in excruciating pain. I took him some more ibuprofen, some ice for his water and a cup of coffee. He's icing it and has it propped up as I write this, but I would love if you'd say a prayer for him, if you're one of my praying friends.
Also, I have to brag on God, because I don't usually go to his games. My nerves cannot handle them, but this was his first game in this particular league, and though I'd made plans for us to go to my in-love's house for dinner, when I found out about his game, I cancelled and they decided to come here. So we were all at the game together and were going to eat at Chick Fil A afterward. I'm so very thankful that they were there! I trust Wiley's opinion, for one thing, so when he told me to take him for x-rays, I knew I needed to go. Also, after the game (which they ended up winning for Drew, his teammates said), they met me with Jonah and Noah at the clinic we were at, and stayed there with me until we were finished. Then after that, we went and got out Chick Fil A.
I give all that credit to God, because I believe that He really does work out all the little details and timing issues that I can never see beforehand. He knew that I needed to be at the game, so He had me there. He knew that Drew would get hurt, so of course my father-in-love was there, even though my mom-in-love was exhausted and running on little to no sleep from the night before. I have said for years, that I do not believe in coincidences. Even though these games are casual and laid back, and not really for spectators, we were all there last night because God is in control. I realize that if you're not a believer, you may think this sounds kind of silly for me to say, but I know the truth, and I know and believe with all of my heart that God sees and knows everything. I don't always understand why certain things happen, but it's never my place to question Him, and I know that He is sovereign. That is always my answer for when people ask why horrible things happen to good people. God is sovereign.
And in the grand scheme of life, and even in the Goodwin family right now (see previous blog post), this is no big deal. But I will never pass up a chance to boast on my Jesus. There is nothing too big, or too small, for Him to work in that situation. I am so very thankful for His hand of protection, and we can always find reasons to give Him praise. I said that to Drew last night. We can always find things to be thankful for, even in the midst of excruciating pain.
Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Have a great weekend. Love to all.
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