Wednesday, March 21, 2018

an introduction and a favor

This is my sister in love, Tracy.  She's married to Tim, my husband's brother.  They have three sons, ranging in age from six to fourteen.  I tell you about her and share this picture of us because I wanted to tell you a little about her, for anyone who reads this without following me on social media, and so you could have a face to put with a name of who I am going to ask you to help me pray for.  (Tra is on the left.)

For the past twenty years, Tracy has had a rare heart disease.  She has undergone several surgeries and procedures since then to either repair something or to check on the condition of her heart and arteries.  (This is a very condensed version.)  Her heart has stopped beating several times during these things throughout the years.  She knew that someday her heart would just give up, and she's already far surpassed what doctors said about her and her condition.  We were given news last week that this time has suddenly come upon her, and last Thursday, she was admitted into Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville.  

Since being there, she has undergone rigorous testing and as of yesterday, her name was officially added to the heart transplant list.  Most people could go home and await a new heart, but she cannot, she was told by her doctors.  She will be living in her new home at Vanderbilt indefinitely.  Unfortunately, there's not really a timeline as to when this transplant can happen, but we all trust in God's perfect timing.  God has been in a million little details throughout everything leading up to this present day, including moving her immediate family to her area where they live outside of Nashville.  Her parents and her sister were both living away from them, but in recent months, they've moved somewhat near them.  So they have amazing family support and they have friends who are picking up any slack that they need help with.  

As things progress, their needs will change, but as of right now, they're pretty covered.  Someone is setting up a meal schedule for them so her kids can still eat home cooked meals in her absence and so that will be one thing Tracy's mom won't have to worry with, and right now, Tim is going home each night to stay with their boys.  Just today she mentioned that gas cards would be a tremendous help, because it's a bit of a drive from their house to Vandy for Tim each day, twice a day.  If you feel led by the Lord to help out with that, feel free to comment on here or email me at for a way you could get that to me, and I can then get it to them.  

I know many of you see a lot of this on Facebook, where I've been sharing ever since last Thursday when we found out about this.  But this is a little more of everything explained, and a little update since she posted on Facebook this morning.  For anyone who is interested in learning more about her rare heart disease, the name of it is Takayasu Arteritis.  Just go to the Google, and they can inform you.  

One last thing about Tracy and Tim: they have that perfect peace that can only come from Jesus.  Already, the Lord has done SO MANY THINGS in Tra's life, and she wrote a book about it.  It's called Unstoppable God and you can buy it here.  It's a very easy and fascinating read.  Because of the peace that only Jesus can bring, Tracy is in excellent condition mentally and emotionally.  She has the biggest dimples you have ever seen, and she has a nonstop smile on her face and laughter is constantly upon her lips.  She gives all the glory to God, for all He has done in her life, and she never hesitates to tell the world that, which is why she wrote a book.  

Will you help me pray for Tracy and her family?  Tim, Nathan, Joseph, and Zeke are her husband and sons.  Please lift them all up to God, because I know it has to be so hard for their boys not to see her everyday.  Also, a couple of days ago, she also asked us to pray for the family who will suffer a loss so that she will have life.  Only God knows who that will be, and we know that He is sovereign.  

This was taken in August when we went to see them and spend one night to watch the eclipse. 

Thank you, in advance, for your prayers for Tracy and her family.  We serve a mighty God, and we agree that He is ALWAYS good, not just when things go our way.  We believe in the power of prayer, and the powerful words in these verses from James five.  

Thanks for reading today.  Love to all.  

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