Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wednesday Things

As I write this, Kathie Lee Gifford is preaching on The Today Show, the segment with Meagan Kelly.  She's talking about how her entire family came to faith in Jesus through the ministry of Billy Graham.  When I say she is preaching, I mean it.  She just shared the Gospel on national television.  I love her, and her boldness.  She didn't mince words either, and used the name Jesus, and the phrase "hope in Jesus" in what she was saying.  I don't normally watch the Meagan Kelly part of The Today Show, but I kept it on when I heard her say that Billy Graham died this morning.  I'm glad they talk about things other than politics every once in a while. 

On a much different note, I loved my coffee this morning.  We have both a regular coffee pot and a Keurig, and we use them both.  I give the contents of the coffee pot to the boys, usually, and I use the Keurig.  Well, we've talked about how we don't love the coffee pot coffee much these days.  It tastes bitter every once in a while, or just not as good as it once was.  I love the brand Keurig cups that we use-they're bold in flavor, and the Kirkland brand from Costco.  While I was there yesterday, I picked up a new (to us) type from the Kirkland brand, and I love it.  I'm not sure if Todd likes it as much, so we may have to go back to the other kind again for him, or in addition to this one, but I actually used the coffee pot today.  It's so much cheaper doing it that way, but I always love the Keurig cups we buy, and they do not sell that type by the bag or container.  It's only found in the K-cups.

This is what the bag looks like. 

Also, it is STRONG, but I like my coffee practically walking on its own.

Have I mentioned before that we are coffee snobs?  No Folgers or Maxwell House for us.  We like whole bean, grind it yourself coffee that is special, and not the Starbucks kind.

Moving on.  (I REALLY like coffee.)

I saw this on Instagram this weekend and loved it.  I reposted it from Shellie Giglio.  It reminded me of the weekend...we were so busy and intentional all weekend, that I hardly looked at my phone.  The only time I really ever even picked it up was to take the occasional picture, though I didn't even really do that until Sunday morning, or to look through Instagram late at night when I was laying in bed.

And you know what?  I didn't miss my phone even a little.

I worked on cleaning the house yesterday and on Monday, I put it all back in order.  Being gone for a whole weekend makes it really messy when people start coming back home.  I love a clean house.  I love everything to be orderly and in its place.  I worked a lot on my own bedroom yesterday, too, and I even cleaned our fan.  Someone bumped it the other day with something, and little dust particles went all over my (white) bed.  It's clean now! 

I dusted this little trinket box, and I realized that it is considered "vintage".

I think I've had it since I was about ten.  I have always loved hearts, even as a young girl.  I would put my ring and stud earrings inside of it.  Nowadays it sits empty, but I still love it. 

I am going to lunch with a really sweet friend today!  I am really excited about it, because we have been wanting to do this for a while and finally committed a date to the calendar.  Other than that, it's kinda slow around here today.  The boys will be doing school work and there's church tonight.  It's rainy and cool today, though, and that always make me want to read a book, so hopefully I'll finish the one I'm reading currently so that I can return it tomorrow. 

Have a great day!  Thanks for reading my blog.  Love to all! 

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