Thursday, February 1, 2018

Happy February!

I keep seeing this meme all over social media, that says that yesterday felt like January 74th.  I would have to disagree.  I love the month of January.  I love winter, I love new beginnings, and I love cozy nights at home.  January delivers on all of that. 

That being said, I cannot believe January is over and that February is here.  Time is rolling right along, and before I know it, I'll be taking Jonah and Noah to get their drivers permits next month.  My stomach just dropped a little at that thought.  I am thrilled that they're my last ones to teach driving skills to.   

Back to the new month thing, though, I started off the new year by reading more.  I love to read, but it goes in spurts sometimes, and I'll go weeks or months without picking up a book.  I received a really cute journal for my birthday from my friend, and I'm using that to log the books I read this year.  I read four and a half in January.  (One is an ongoing book that I am reading with two friends.  We meet and have lunch and discuss the chapter we read the previous week.  It's the book Adorned by Nancy Wolgemuth.)

I'm already half way through my first book for February, one I've been wanting to read and that I picked up on my library trip the other day.  I blame Netflix on reading less.

With the new month comes a new plan for writing out Scripture!  I love the topic this month.

For a printable version, visit

This is my third year of writing Scripture, and I do get behind sometimes.  And that's okay.  I don't try to catch up, because then I'll get overwhelmed.  If I miss a day or a few, I just pick back up on the day I start back and go forward from there.  I cannot encourage you enough in making this a part of your morning quiet time routine.  To write it out is to put deep within our hearts.

Have a great day!  Love to all. 

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