Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I am sitting here at the computer desk in the living room, and I am loving that the sunshine is pouring in the windows.  Chip loves it too, because he just laid down to sunbathe beside me.  (Yesterday ended horribly dreary, plus I felt rotten all day.  I think I'm feeling better now, though, because I am thinking of what to cook for dinner tonight.  That's always a good sign.)

I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this post.

I'm going to be girly for a minute.  Please excuse me. 

I got my nails done on Wednesday morning, and this is what I'm currently wearing on them.  It might be my new favorite red.  (It's hard to find a normal (blue) red.

It's the one on the right.  I always wear dark colors from fall to winter, but every year at this time, I'm ready for something fun and bright.  Plus, it's February, and Valentine's day is coming up, so why not red?

Having pretty flowers around the house is another favorite thing.  I bought these last week at Kroger, and they're still going strong.  Their $5 bouquets are amazing and last for two weeks, at the very least.  I will say, that to help them stay fresh longer, use the packet that comes inside the bouquet, and then after about four days of having them, dump out all the water and fill it again with fresh water.  Then I do that every couple of days from then on.

(I also still love this wood thing you see on the table and the table cloth from Christmas.  They're all my favorites!) 

Todd and I went on a date Saturday night, and it was my favorite night of the whole week.  This was us, ending at Lowe's on the aisle with wall tile.

I've had a cold or a sinus infection all week, and this was what I had for dinner Wednesday nights.  I'd planned on going to church, and was excited because it would have been my first night in the chronological class that I'm going to, but I felt horrible and stayed home instead.  This soup is my favorite!  You should try it.

When you can't taste much, this is something you actually can.

Our bedroom has always been my least favorite room in the house.  Thanks to our makeover gift to each other at Christmas, it's now my favorite.

I still love it so much, and am so thankful for a pretty room.  I love the color on the walls.  It's a navy blue color and it's so peaceful. 

Yesterday was when I felt the worst, and though being sick is not my favorite, the actual day was.  I did this all day long.  Sat right there, cuddled with Chip, drank hot tea, read or watched Netflix.  I watched a shameful amount of episodes of Madam Secretary.

That's about all we've done around here this week, other than school work for the boys.  Thanks for reading my blog!  Have a great day and weekend.  Love to all! 

1 comment:

  1. Your bedroom looks great. That soup looks delicious, but unfortunately I'm allergic to tomatoes.


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