Tuesday, February 6, 2018

all about books

First off, on the Sweet Blessings blog [swtblessings.com], she has made these printable scripture cards.  I love this verse and memorized it a few years ago, but I printed it out today and am going to put it on the front of the refrigerator.  I'm of the belief that scripture all over the house is a great thing and is an easy and fool proof way to get it into your heart.  Go over to her blog for more, if you're interested. 

Somehow, on Sunday night, I ended up at home alone during the super bowl.  I was supposed to have gone to a watch party with our community group teenagers, but sickness prevented me from going.  Jonah and Noah still went, though, and Graham and Drew went their separate ways as well.  Todd ended up at a friends' house and that left me alone to do whatever. 

I did turn it on, because I like to be informed, but between commercial breaks, I started a new book.

I've never read anything by this author before, but this is a delightful book.  It's similar to Nancy Drew, but set in modern times.  I'm halfway through it already. 

People always want to know how I read so much, so I thought I'd share a little about that today.  My love of reading began in first grade, at Collierville Elementary school.  Mrs. Shawl introduced me to books, and that's when it clicked.  I remember my first book.  It was a Garfield the cat book.  I read any and every single thing I could get my hands on.  I don't know what she said or how she encouraged her class, but it just happened.  My mom and dad loved to read as well, so I had great examples before me.  Since a very young age, I have read very fast.  [Not speed read fast, but still.] 

I would beg to go buy more books, and both my parents always made sure that happened.  I wonder if they ever got irritated with me for wanting to shop for nothing else but books.  If they did, they never acted like it.  I don't really remember going to a library, because at the time, there was not one convenient to us.  I bought a lot of books at a grocery store.  There was a Kroger on Sanderlin in Memphis, that my mom would take me to every once in a while because she knew how much I loved their book section.  [They had the best around.] 

On Saturdays, I loved to go to my little hole in the wall bookshop that was my favorite, The Book Depot.  My dad would take me and drop me off and come pick me back up about three hours later.  I would sit in their floor and look through every single book in my section. 

It was great having parents who encouraged me so much.  As a mom, I've tried to do that myself with the boys, but they don't love this hobby like I do.  They've all read and they all WILL read, but I pretty much have to force them.  Out of all of them, Drew has loved reading the most, going through all Rick Riordan's books, and all the Harry Potter books.  His preference is definitely fiction.  Graham's is non-fiction.  Noah likes non-fiction and Jonah prefers fiction, but nothing mystical or fantasy, just something realistic.

Not that they read all the time, but when they do, that's what they like.

I always have books waiting on me.

This is the stack on my nightstand.  Just give me all the books.  I am constantly receiving/borrowing/buying [as cheaply as I can] new ones.  

I make time to read every day almost.  [I did not yesterday.]  I'll use a book mark and set it ahead a few chapters, and I'll make myself go until I reach it.  Usually when I do this, it will have gotten really good, and I'll keep going that night after we eat dinner, and sometimes I will read as I cook dinner.  

If I go somewhere that I might have a wait, or if I have time to myself, I take my book with me.  

This year, I'm using a book journal.  My sweet friend Andrea bought me this one, and I was updating it this morning.  [I am counting the book Adorned one time, because I'm reading it with two friends and we meet and talk about it every other week or so, a chapter at a time.  So I counted it in January, but not February, though it is just written down.]  

If I loved it, I put a heart beside it.  I loved the first Agatha Christie I read.  There needs to be a heart beside the Robin Jones Gunn one I read in January.  I love that entire series, and have re-read all of them about three times.  

So that's how I read a lot.  I read fast and I make time almost every day.  I have all the time in the world right now, because I don't work outside of my home.  When I've worked in the past, I've still read a lot, though, just more at night and on weekends.  I also love all kinds of books.  Christian fiction, regular fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, biographies, you name it, I love it all.  I like to read different authors, too, always "trying on" new ones.  I love some historical books, but mostly I love anything set during WWII.  

That reminds me...I need to try one I forgot about...I also have an Amazon book list that I am always adding to, and I have a library note on my phone of books I want to read.  

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.  

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