Tuesday, February 13, 2018

a favorite song, and a request

When we pray:

Strongholds are broken. 

Lives are changed.

Hearts are softened again, when once they were hard.

Our focus changes from ourselves to the others around us.

I love this song by Tauren Wells, and the lyrics that go along with it, because they are so true. 

I say all this to ask of a favor from anyone who may read this.  This weekend at our church is an annual event for the youth in our church.  It's called D Now (Disciple Now) and it's a weekend long retreat that is within our hometown.  Students will arrive at church (after dropping off their bags for the weekend at their host homes) for service, and afterward, we will all end up in the host homes to spend the night.  Saturday is back at church for a service that morning, then lunch, followed by a project usually, dinner, service again, then our last night at the host homes.  It officially ends after church on Sunday morning, but our final session is always on Sunday night.

This is my FAVORITE thing to do with the students, because it's so concentrated on pouring into them.  The services are always amazing and I love all the one on one time we get with the students.  I love pouring into teenagers the things that matter, that are of eternal value, and I love having that one on one time where we get to ask them all kinds of questions about their faith, questions like if their relationship with God is where they want it to be, or if they could pick one word to describe it, what would it be.  Their answers always surprise me, and there have been years when we've had to exhort a student based on something they've either written or said or posted on social media.  The talks go long sometimes, but the time with them is priceless, and I love getting to know a group of teenage girls.  At some point during the weekend, we are always asked to have a one on one talk with each student in our group.  I was astounded last year when I asked around, about how many students said their leaders never did that.  For my group, that was always one of the most favored parts of the whole weekend. 

Three of my boys will be attending (Drew, Jonah, Noah), Graham will be a co-leader of middle school boys, Todd will be there helping with tech, and I will be a leader.  Will you please help me to pray for all of this? 

Here is how you can pray:

* Pray for students to know there is only one way to salvation, through Jesus alone.  ONEGOSPEL

 * Pray for students to develop a dependence upon prayer, a passion for the word of God, and an urgency to tell others of the hope they have in Jesus.  ONEMISSION

* Pray for connections to be made relationally that encourage fellowship in the body of Christ.  ONEFAMILY

* Pray for our leaders, host homes, Jason Curry (our speaker), The Gafford Band (worship leaders), and those helping behind the scenes during the weekend.

* Pray for no sickness, no injuries, no pettiness (jokes/pranks), and for all to be encouragers instead of discouragers. 

Like I mentioned above, this is a short, extremely intense weekend of discipleship that is exhausting for the leaders, but SO WORTH IT, so I'm asking you to also pray for supernatural strength for us leaders.  If this tells you anything, I always come home and sleep for at least three hours on Sunday, and I am always totally worthless on Monday.  I have ended the past three years physically sick after this event, and I don't know if that is just happenstance or if it's because it's mentally/physically/emotionally draining and my immune system is worn down.  Whatever the reason, I would LOVE if you would help me to pray for all of this. 

Thanks so much, and I look forward to updating early next week on how it all went.  Love to all. 

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