Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  I feel so sorry for all the students and teachers in my area.  They've been out of school all week because of the snow and ice that was all over the ground, and they all went back today.  I especially feel sorry for the teachers.  I remember vividly enough how wild the elementary aged kiddos could be when the weather had caused them to be out.  Let's just say that I wouldn't wish that on anyone. 

Meanwhile, it's a normal day for us today.  Friday means that we get to see my sweet daddy, and today we will do lunch out, since we haven't in a while.  I can't wait to see him!  It's been two weeks.

I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals (and her friends) for this blog post. 

Since I was gone all week, I'm sharing a few things around my house that are currently my favorites.

I got this 3 tier stand for my birthday from my in-love's, and it is still one of my very favorite things in the whole house.  I've changed it from Christmas to winter, and look forward to switching things up with all the seasons or holidays.  I actually use most of the things I've got on it, like the turquoise measuring cups and measuring spoons, and the salt and pepper shakers that are on the top shelf. 

This is two in one~the succulent looking plant you see was a gift from Christmas, and it was bought at Homegoods.  Homegoods is my favorite, and so is the plant.  I needed something kinda big and green on that spot on my counter tops, and I love how it looks sitting on this cutting board, which is also a favorite.  Okay, so this one contains three favorites.  The third thing that is my favorite in this picture is that Agatha Christie book you see.  I bought it last week before I left town, and I will read it when I'm done with the current book I'm reading now. 

Wood Wick candles are another favorite thing right now.  I received three as gifts this Christmas, and I love hearing them crackle. 

My She Reads Truth bible is my favorite bible that I've ever had.  I bought this back in October, and I still love it so much.  I'm reading through it right now, chronologically, with the ladies at my church.

This is my newest favorite coffee mug!  I had a sweet friend come over yesterday to borrow books for an upcoming trip, and she brought me this.  I love it, and LOVE what it says.

My favorite planner of all time is this one that I've had going on two years now.  It's called My Big Happy Planner.  I love the size and the layout. 

The Sisterchicks books by Robin Jones Gunn are my favorite books ever, and I'm currently re-reading them all.

And last, but not least, is my favorite view of all time.  Out of all the pretty things I saw this week while I was in Colorado, this is my favorite spot.  Back home, right where I belong. 

Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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