Monday, January 8, 2018

church notes

I know of several people who missed church yesterday because they didn't feel great.  I also thought I'd share my notes from my pastor's sermon yesterday, because it was SO GOOD.  It's always wonderful, and each week I leave, thinking there is no way he will top that.  And then, every single week, it just gets better and better.  I love my pastor and think he is the greatest out there, but I also know that it's not him coming up with these sermons.  It is the power of the Holy Spirit within him, and he would tell you that exact thing, if you were to compliment him. 

I also love his humility and his ability to shepherd the flock God has given him.  I could go on and on, but I'll continue on with notes from yesterday's sermon.

The topic was spiritual growth, and the main portion of scripture he used was Ephesians 4:11-16. 

Before he preached, we all took a personal spiritual growth survey, and honestly examined our hearts before answering.  Then our pastor started preaching, starting with what a lack of spiritual growth can cause.  Some examples are sin patterns that we can't seem to shake off, loss of the joy of our salvation, and hardness of our heart.  He might have said something a little different, but I missed all of it and tried to summarize.

His main one liner statement was this: God is relentlessly committed to your spiritual growth.  (He comes up with these one liners because he knows that we may not remember each point he makes weekly, but we are likely to remember short statements.  This is also where he laughed at himself and admitted how difficult it is for him to come up with these each week.  I told you he's humble.)

He continued on with how we know that God is committed to our spiritual growth, and all of these points are taken from his main portion of scripture in Ephesians.

1--the priority of spiritual growth

Paul writes (in Ephesians 4) of building up of the body in verse 12, until we all reach unity in the faith (verse 13).  We also know from verse 13 that we are to grow into maturity.  We will no longer be children (verse 14), but we will grow up (verse 15).  From Him the whole body promotes the growth of the body for building up itself in love by the proper working of each part (verse 16). 

The church becomes stronger through spiritual growth.

He gave us these verses to expound on that:

Psalm 92:12
2 Thessalonians 1:3
1 Peter 2:12
2 Peter 3:18
Philippians 2:12-13

2--the process of spiritual growth

First, God provides leaders for us spiritually, who teach us the word of God and to show us how to apply its truth to our lives.

He referenced Ephesians 4:11-13.

Second, we all start as spiritual babies, and over a period of time, we begin to grow spiritually. 

Third, we see the goal of the process: "...until we all attain unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God's son, growing into maturity..." (verse 13).

We will not be fully grown up spiritually until the day the Lord takes us home. 

3--the pillar of spiritual growth

The ministry of the local church is essential for growth!

Here are some scriptures he used to hone in on that:

Romans 8:28-29
Ephesians 4:31-32
Ephesians 4:14-16
Hebrews 10:23-25

"This is the point of union where the resources, gifts, and power of the Holy Spirit pass from one person to another, providing a flow of ministry that produces growth."--John MacArthur

In order to accomplish these things, there are three things we must evaluate.

First, we need to make sure of our salvation.

Second, have a strategy in place to achieve spiritual growth.  (Make time to pray and to read the Word of God.)

Third, decide now if you will be active part within the body of believers that God places you in.  (Church is not a place, it's the body of believers.)  We all need each other to grow spiritually!  Make a commitment to being a faithful attender of your local body, and then go.  Attend small groups, like Sunday school and Wednesday night bible studies.  I can't think of one person I know who has grown spiritually without faithfully attending a local body of believers. 

I pray this encourages you today, and that it challenges you.  If you're a member of where I attend and you missed yesterday, I will share a link on Facebook when our pastor posts it.  These are only my little version of his notes, and they do not hold a candle to what he actually said. 

Happy Monday, friends.  Love to all. 

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