Friday, December 8, 2017

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and friends, for this blog post. 

We've had a great week around these parts, one that has been both busy and more fun.  Busy, because of life in general, and the month of December.  I love this month mostly, but I try to be careful about what I say yes to.  I don't love the busyness that comes from all the holiday functions.  This week has been fun, because it seems like we have laughed a ton.  We've had TWO great nights of dinner around the table together as a family this week, and with the boys getting older, and those nights becoming more few and far between, I treasure the little moments like we've had this week.

My favorite thing on social media right now is the #mycozywinterhome hashtag and posts I am seeing all over Instagram.  This was my post on Sunday, when the theme for that day was minimal.  This "purse" (it's really a clutch) is my newest favorite thing.  I bought it back in October, and I have enjoyed carrying it everywhere.  I don't like to change purses, I pretty much buy one and I carry it indefinitely.  I've recently switched to clutches, though, because I am over heavy purses.  My kids are not young anymore, and I no longer have to carry all the stuff.  When they were younger, I did. 

Also on Sunday, this night at church happened.  It was the Christmas version of a praise and worship night with the choir and orchestra.  The stage looks amazing!  My husband and his friends on the tech team worked their tails off all last week and were there every night until one and two in the morning.  This night is always one of my favorite nights at church, and this one was no different.  It was a phenomenal night of lifting high the name of Jesus. 

Also on Sunday, we said these verses as our dismissal that morning.  I created this image on YouVersion and I am memorizing them.  Finding good verses to memorize and pray is one of my favorite things.

On Tuesday, these verses were my favorite, on God being our Comforter.  As my December quiet time, I am going through (slowly) the verses printed out in my scripture writing.  The theme is Names of God, and I am taking my sweet time.  I had something else planned for quiet time this month, but you can scroll down to the next post to read about it, instead of me repeating it on this post. 

My tablecloth is also my favorite right now, and this one is on the kitchen table.  I bought it off of Amazon, I think just by searching Christmas plaid tablecloths.  The black and white flannel buffalo print one was moved to the dining room table, since it's for a round table.  I needed a large rectangle one for the kitchen table.

Every single morning.  Every single night.  Puppy cuddles for hours and hours.  We have bonded over his early wake ups and he made me his person.  It's ridiculous, how much I love this little guy.  Even in spite of his sometime three a.m. wake up calls.  Puppy cuddles are my favorite.  He is precious and he's made this season more sweet.  If you're reading for the first time, we have had him for two weeks today, and his name is Chip. 

Tuesday was my favorite day this week.  My mom-in-love and I shopped until we dropped.  This was while I was waiting on her to come out of Barnes and Noble.  We had so much fun!  I picked out my birthday and Christmas presents, we had lunch, we had a yummy mid-afternoon treat (a peppermint mocha milkshake from Chick Fil A), and we laughed at something we saw until we both cried. 

Here is my favorite thing we got that day, and she let me bring it home early, for my birthday that's next week.

I shopped my house and found all kinds of cute little things to put on each tier.  Isn't it adorable?

This is random, but I didn't do a "come on in" Christmas decor post this year, because it's pretty much the same as it is every other year.  But my garland this year is my favorite ever.  It's my mom's and she let me use all that she didn't use in her house this year.  I love it!  It's all over the place.  In the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, and on pieces of furniture.  I love the way it dresses up all the same old things I always use each year. 

I posted this on Instagram yesterday, a shelfie, for the #mycozywinterhome feed on Instagram, and looking at it makes me so happy.  My favorite things are books, and especially when special treasures are mixed in with them.  All things you see on the shelf mean something to me.  Some date way back to my sixteenth birthday. 

Nights like this are my favorite.  Cold weather, blankets, coffee out of the Keurig, and watching my favorite show with my favorite man.  This was last night, and all the boys were upstairs.

I'm looking forward to this weekend!  We have a Christmas party to go to tonight, and a program tomorrow night, and our community group Christmas party on Sunday night, with all the ninth and tenth graders.  I know it'll fly by.  Thanks for reading my blog!  Love to all.   

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