Wednesday, November 22, 2017

what's up Wednesday

It's been a while since I've linked up for this what's up Wednesday post, so I thought I would do that today, since it's a special holiday week.  I'm linking up with the blogs mentioned in the first picture above.  Here is where you can link up, too, if you want! 

What we're eating this week...

Well, since it's Thanksgiving, I'll be eating a lot of that.  But we are eating other things, too.  Monday night we all ate dinner at Firebirds with a huge group of family and friends.  Last night we had beer cheddar joe's, tonight we'll have some kind of pasta or chicken sandwiches, and then the rest of the week will be turkey and dressing and all the delicious trimmings.

What I'm reminiscing about...

I still love everything about this picture from a few weeks ago.  It was a Sunday morning, and we were on our way to church, and I loved the lighting, and how the leaves had fallen onto the roof.  This is the perfect kind of fall day, in my humble opinion.  Cold, kinda dreary, but not raining.  This day screams nap. 

What I'm loving...

Family, a lot of them being in town, and my twins getting to meet my niece's twins.  Left to right are Jonah with Kinsley (both baby "A"), and Noah with Kylie (baby "B).  This was at my mom's on Monday. 

What we've been up to...

See above picture.  Also, this.

I love getting babies to sleep!  Twice on Monday, Kinsley slept on me.  I always end up with her.  It's funny, how that works out. 

Also, yesterday I grocery shopped.  I am spending today making pies and cleaning and decluttering to prepare to decorate for Christmas tomorrow night.  I can't wait!  I love decorating for Christmas.  Today I plan on playing around with how the living room is arranged...there is one little corner that I'm going to try to shift so that all the furniture can stay in here this year.

What I'm dreading...

So my cat Twinkles has this obsession over the Christmas tree, and every year she tries to eat it.  I always end up throwing things at her to get her to stop.  (Light weight things, I'm not that mean.)

Also, for about three hours, my house is torn upside down while the decking of the halls takes place. 

What I'm working on...

Christmas.  Also, Jonah has been busy figuring out what we will decorate with outside this year.  He was organizing and checking all the lights yesterday.

What I'm excited about...

I won't repeat myself.  Just read all the above.

What I'm watching/reading...

I'm watching This Is Us, The Good Doctor, and Todd and I are watching The Good Wife.  I plan on adding Christmas movies to the mix in the next few days.  I've watched a few so far.  I'm reading Kissing Father Christmas, by Robin Jones Gunn.

What I'm listening to...

All the choir Christmas music.  I need to learn it all before December 3rd.  Actually, by the 29th, because we have a full rehearsal that night and a microphone will be involved for me, so I really have to know it by then. 

What I'm wearing...

Cuter stuff for church, comfy clothes for home.  That is about what my life consists of these days.  Yesterday after I ran my errands, I came home and put pj's back on.  I was freezing and wanted to snuggle up under a blanket while I watched a movie. 

What I'm doing this weekend...

On Friday, we will do Thanksgiving with my dad.  After we eat, every single year, we go to the Zoo for Zoo Lights.  I love this tradition every year, and the boys always look forward to it as well.  On Saturday, I know a football game is coming on, and they will be watching.  I'll be hiding somewhere in the house, or maybe I'll be out, who knows?  Sunday is always church. 

What I'm looking forward to next month...

Duh.  It's not the day, though.  I am always sad on Christmas day, because that means it's all over for another year.  I love the whole season, and all the togetherness. 

What else is new...

I have a nephew getting married in 2018!  They're thinking the fall, but it's not for sure yet.  I have another one graduating.  And a niece graduating, as well, in Colorado.  I can't believe it's that time to start thinking ahead, and that another year has gone by. 

Thanks for reading!  Happy Thanksgiving, to you and yours.  I hope your time together as a family is wonderful.  Love to all. 

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