Thursday, October 19, 2017

things that make me happy

Yesterday's post was long and detailed.  Today's will be short and sweet.  Here are some random things I've loved this week.

I LOVE the cool weather!  I keep getting mad at the meteorologist on our local news, because she keeps saying, "It's really warming up out there now!", like that's a good thing.  It's FALL.  I want all the fall temperatures. 

Along with fall, I love being able to wear long sleeves without suffocating.  Have I mentioned I love fall?

I love fall colored nail polish.

I love any excuse to wear dark fingernail polishes.  This one is Feel the Chemis-Tree by OPI.  The other one I love that's newer is Less is Norse.  It's a dark grayish navy blue.  One of my best friends and I *might* text pictures of our nails back and forth to each other all the time.

I always love Timehop, but I really love it this week!  I've been reliving our anniversary/birthday trip to NYC last year.

This day was the best day ever!  We woke early to leave Rhode Island to go into the city for the remainder of our trip.  You should have seen us struggling with getting our luggage up all the subway tunnel stairs and then walking to our hotel.  We looked hilarious, I'm fairly certain.  When we left the hotel for lunch, we ended up at Carnegie Deli.  I'm so glad we did that, because now it's closed.  We had the best lunch.  Then we walked all around, seeing Top of the Rock and the NBC building and underground mall, and eventually ended our day in Central Park.  I loved being in the park, and sitting and people watching with my hubby!  It was so sweet and romantic.  That was also the day I fell asleep with my head straight up on the subway back to the hotel.  We were BEAT.  We ordered take out and had it delivered that night, and I'm pretty sure I was dead to the world by eight thirty.

I want to go back now.

Last week I was reliving this camping trip we took two years ago with a bunch of teenage girls.  And then I did a little collage and texted this to Missy, because half the time, I feel like we are Lucy and Ethel.

Oh, the memories.

I'm also loving tv right now.  The shows I love are This Is Us, The Good Doctor, and recently I started watching The Good Wife, and drug my husband into that one with me.  I was watching it the other night with him not paying much attention, and before I knew it, he wanted to start over and get the full story.  So he did, and now we're both hooked.  It's so good!  I don't know why I waited this long to watch it, I've been hearing about it for years. 

Well, speaking of Toddley, I need to get them out the door and get dressed.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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