Monday, October 30, 2017

a weekend in the life

I always consider the start of our weekend as Friday at noon, when my sweet dad comes over and we eat lunch together.  I LOVE our Fridays together, and I thank God for the many, many years we have spent doing Friday afternoon with him.  I'm pretty selfish with that day and time and just about the only things that stop me from seeing him would be if one of us are out of town, or if we're sick.  We never want to share germs with eighty-six year old Pappaw.

Unfortunately, the only picture I have from this whole day is a selfie, and well, you know I don't love those.  I'll spare you.  

We ate with him, then we came back here and had coffee.  It was chilly!  He stayed until three, then he went home.  I tried to take a nap, but it didn't work.  Todd and Graham were home at five thirty, and we all went our separate ways.  Noah was camping this weekend, so he was gone.  Drew and Jonah went to dinner, and Graham and Rachel went somewhere else for dinner.  It was raining and yucky, so we had Graham go grab a pizza for us, then we ate it in front of the tv and watched The Good Wife.  It was a lovely evening at home in our jammies.  I love nights like that!

I was up at the crack of dawn Saturday morning.  I'd promised my bestie I would cook bacon for an event at church, so I made all the bacon she brought over, then I made breakfast for my people.  Which consisted of bacon and blueberry muffins.  Todd and Jonah left to go to a Cars & Coffee event in Cordova, but not many people were there because of how cold it was.  They drove back into Collierville and found some nice cars at the local Harley Davidson shop here in town.  

While they were doing that, I went shopping for a few fall and winter things.  This was me, in the dressing room, texting my sisters, mom, and niece over this cute outfit.

Usually I have a sister, my mom, or my best friend with me, but no one was with me, so of COURSE I texted all of them.  

I bought this and a few other much-needed tops.  They were all on clearance, so that was a huge bonus.  Right after I left here, I called my best friend and we decided to go to another shop together, but Graham needed my car, so I came home and then she picked me up.  [We are short vehicles, so I'm sharing my car with the boys.]

We went to Charming Charlie.  I needed [okay, WANTED] a new clutch and she wanted to go with.

I found something and she did not.  Also, how cute?  It's flannel.  I exchanged my heavy purse for a medium sized clutch in June, and I don't think I'll ever go back to a purse again.  It holds just enough for what I need.  It holds my lipstick, keys, some headache medicine in a snack sized Ziploc bag, my phone, a tiny flashlight, and instead of a whole wallet, I only carry my license and library card, insurance cards, and credit card.  This one has a zippered pocked inside, and is a tiny bit bigger than the one I carried since June.  

It also saves my back.  I love big purses, but the bigger the purse, the more junk I put inside of it.  If I need to carry a book, I just carry it in my hand.  This particular bag even holds my glasses in their soft case and my phone.

After we shopped, Missy dropped me off, then I sat down and had a short nap.  At four, the three boys and I left for my mom's house for dinner.  Toddley worked for the sheriff's department.  

We had a yummy dinner, and then we did this.

Bill and Graham messed around with the firepit.  

I watched bits and pieces of a Hallmark Christmas movie with Mom and Trish.  

And we gawked over the babies in Colorado, at their mommy and daddy's costume party.  

They went as the circus. 

Also, Trish and I rummaged through Mom's Christmas decorations in search of a tablecloth, but had no luck.  

We came home at eight, then I watched some of The Good Wife.  I went to bed early, because I'm always ready for bed by nine thirty.  Ha!

I was up early on Sunday, because Jonah and I needed to ride to church with Todd.  He arrives at eight, and I had to be there at eight thirty for praise team practice.  

[I'm doing that black and white photo challenge on social media, so this was my picture for the day as I was waiting to get started.]

After church, Toddley took me to McDonald's for a cheeseburger meal [I have such sophisticated food preferences], then we came home and he got dressed for work again.  I tried to take a nap, but my phone kept going off with text messages.  When you help lead youth, you'd be amazed at the amount of texting that takes place on a Sunday afternoon about activities for that night.  My nap didn't happen, then at three, I had to be back at church for our weekly praise team practice.  We meet at three, then the whole choir meets at four and it lasts until five thirty.

We had our first official full Christmas rehearsal.  I have been listening to this music for the past week via our planning center app that I have on my phone, and some of it is from last year, so these are songs I was familiar with already.  [Mostly.]

We left choir early because last night was our annual high school bonfire night, in lieu of community groups.

I love going out to Out To Pasture farm for this night.  Mr. Ronnie and Mrs. Sandy always are so kind to host this for the high school students, and I would say it's one of our favorite things to do as a youth group.  

The weather was PERFECTION.  

When a bonfire is actually needed for warmth, that is the perfect bonfire night.  We stayed until a little after seven thirty, then my ride [Missy, again] dropped me off at home.  I started a show, but ended up watching something else with Rachel until she needed to get home.  Then I went to bed.

It was a GREAT weekend!  It's going to be a great week, too.  My sister Terri is in town all week, and tonight, my family is coming over for dinner.  

Tomorrow night we'll be handing out candy with friends and eating hot dogs and rotel dip.  On the agenda for today is getting a nail repaired that tore last night, then going to Costco and Kroger for all my needed items for the week.  I need to make lists, first, though, and determine what to get where.  I don't always need huge quantities of things, so I'll probably get most of the items from Kroger, except for our protein drinks, toilet paper and coffee.  

I also need to clean and vacuum and do laundry.  Every day of my life, I need to do those things.

One last thing, and I'll be done.

Here is the scripture writing plan for November.  This is a great month to join in, if you want.  It's when I started, two years ago.  If you want more of an option, go over to for a different plan.

Happy Monday, my friends!  Love to all.  

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