Wednesday, September 6, 2017

some things from the weekend and past few days

Happy Wednesday!  I love this reminder for myself.  I saw this on Shannon's blog ( and thought I'd share it on mine as well.  With this, she reminds that lost people act like they're lost (non-believers) and hurt people people.  This helps me to remember that for those of us who are believers, we are to act the opposite way of the world.

I've been burning my fall candles!  I love this time of year.  September might be one of my favorite months of all, because with it comes the fall season.  The mornings are crisp, the nights are cool, and I start dreaming of bonfires, hayrides, pumpkins, and camping.  I love to camp in the fall.  This week I will pull out the rest of my fall decorations and a few little Halloween things I have laying around.  I love this time of year!

I love this picture of our dogs cuddling on Noah's bed.  Most mornings, the boys all make their beds when they start their day of homeschooling, but this happened before Noah had gotten the chance.  They love each other every once in a while!

On Saturday, we celebrated my sister Trish's birthday.  My sister Debi was here from Colorado, and she, Trish, Mom, and I went to lunch and shopped on the town square.  We had a great time, but poor Trish did not feel well at all and we ended up calling it a day and going to our separate homes.

This is an adorable little mini library of books for younger kids that was on the town square.  You can take a book to borrow, or you can donate some books.  Isn't this a great idea?!

Speaking of the library, I visited my happy place on Friday.  This was me waiting to go somewhere over the weekend and reading while I waited on my family.

(Also, this is an excellent book.)

Since the holiday happened on Monday, and with Todd working all weekend, and us coming and going so much, I've gotten way behind on my scripture writing.  I was playing catch up yesterday and liked my morning view enough to share this on Instagram.

I need to get a move on this day!  Hopefully I'll think of something more to write tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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